a dynamic speech President Barack Hussein Obama broke the media's code
of silence, acknowledged Burma's Secret War in Kachin State and urged
Burma to stop the violence, allow freedom of religion and begin
humanitarian aid. He also addressed the need for all ethnic groups to
live in harmony that was reflective of the Panglong agreement. Truly
this was a monumental speech and I am happy to say that I was truly
Admittedly I was pessimistic about his Asian Tour and
expected the worst, thankfully and gleefully I was wrong. The fact
President Barack Obama addressed Burma's most pressing issues has made
him stand taller than other American Presidents who failed to address
Burma's plight in earnest, if at all. Now the world does not have an
excuse for ignoring the atrocitious activities being perpetrated against
Burma's ethnic minorities. At this juncture President Barack Obama is a
trailblazer who is forging a true path for democracy in Burma. I pray
the momentum he fostered continues. Granted, no sooner
did his plane touched down in Burma the Tatmadaw continued their
campaign of terror in Kachin State and revelations arose the Burmese
Army was killing the Rohingya people during the same time period.
It must be noted that President Thein Sein did try in vane to
order a ceasefire in Kachin State several times only to be rebuffed by
direct orders from the Tatmadaw who mandated that troops to ignore his
orders. This isolates the true root of the ethnic violence that has
haunted Burma for so many years and that lays in Naypyidaw and not the
will of the Bamar people. Now the ball is in the Tatmadaw's court and if
they truly want to rebuild Burma they will need to correct their policy
of 'Four Cuts & Burmanization' against the ethnic minorities and
embrace the future as a truly United Burma. Naypyidaw has a golden
opportunity to stand along side President Barack Obama and be a part of
this positive historic time in Burma's history.
President Barack Obama made history in Southeast Asia and
within Asian culture as a whole, he showed face and stood his ground for
American values and the cause of humanity and I am very proud to be an
American. The dynamic of what he, my president, just did is hard to
measure at this time since violence continues in Kachin and
RakhineStates but his speech will resonate throughout Burma and Asia for
he planted the seed for National Reconciliation. My only hope is that
he sets the pace for true democracy and not the fetid Disciplined
Democracy that haunts this ancient empire. It is time for National
Reconciliation. It is time to heal this nation.
Surely this will put a kink in China's expansionism and the
multi billion dollar dam projects & pipelines they are proposing
with no regard for the people who live in the regions China has
earmarked for construction. There is a better way to develop Burma and
socio-economic growth should include every citizen of Burma. They must
be a part of growth and not be cast aside like they have for so many
years in the past. Personally, I know the Kachin people would entertain
positive development of their natural resources and I also know they
would love to live in harmony with their brothers and sisters throughout
Burma, contrary to the flawed conventional wisdom the government has
purported in the past. The Kachin do not hate the Bamar or any other
culture, all they want is peace, live in harmony with their neighbors
and allow commerce to flourish. Surely that is not too much to ask.
It's time for the people of Burma to enter the 21st
century and become a full fledged member of the global community and
embrace positive change. The countless benefits are ripe for the picking
if the Tatmadaw would only relinquish their iron fisted xenophobic grip
on this beleaguered multi cultural society. Let Burma breath the sweet
smell of true democracy and achieve the greatness this nation deserves.
With an abundance of natural resources there is no excuse as to why this
land lived in abject poverty for there is enough wealth within this
nation to line all the streets with gold and provide fresh clean
drinking water to every citizen in this nation. Economic development
must work hand in hand with the rebuilding of infrastructure.
But first things first, we must stop the violence and summon a
binding ceasefire in all ethnic regions NOW, not tomorrow or the next
time parliament meets. People continue to die needlessly and IDP's are
dying from exposure. Open up the flood gates of international aid to
quell the suffering of innocent people. Let's face Burma's realities and
foster immediate positive change for all Burmese citizens. Let
President Barack Obama's words be the blueprint for true reform and
provide justice and equality for all. Pull the troops out of Kachinland
and allow the Jinghpaw to heal their wounds and save their people from
impending death and disease. Stop the war of attrition being perpetrated
in RakhineState and end the needless violence & death. And most
important of all, allow President Thein Sein to govern as president
should, allow Daw Aung Suu Kyi to be totally free from constraints
imposed on her with no stipulations and release ALL the political
May the Land of Alaungpaya rise out of the ashes of tyranny with the second coming of the Konbaung Dynasty!
Thank You President Barack Hussein Obama
President Barack Obama's Historic Speech in Burma
Your Devil's Advocate
Buffalohair (Shanhtoi Gam)
© 2012, Buffalohair Productions. All rights reserved.