Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Doctor is this really necessary?
Prevent Unnecessary Medical Care — by Asking Your Doctor These 4 Questions First
As one doctor puts it, “People like me need your help.”
TED Ideas
Daryl Chen
Read when you’ve got time to spare.
Illustration by Justin Tran .
By raising questions and taking on a more active role in decision making, patients can do their part to avoid needless medications, tests, treatments or procedures, says neurosurgeon Christer Mjåset.
“Doctor, is this really necessary?”
Oslo neurosurgeon Christer Mjåset, vice president of the Norwegian Medical Association, says that he experienced a jolt when a woman asked him this question, he recalls in a TEDxOslo talk. It was a first in his career — he’d never had a patient say this to him.
It occurred after Mjåset suggested spinal surgery to her; she was troubled by intense pain caused by a herniated cervical disc. While he’d performed this procedure many times before, it did come with risks — with paralysis from the neck down being one of the most serious. This led the patient to ask: “Doctor, is this really necessary?”
“You know what I realized right there and then?” Mjåset says. “It was not.”
When he looked more deeply at his motives, he saw that he’d been largely driven by enthusiasm for his work. He says, “I have to admit: I wanted to operate. I love to operate. Operating is, after all, the most fun part of my job.”
There’s a stark imbalance in the healthcare system in much of the world — while medical treatment is extremely difficult and expensive for some to access, it’s overly easy for others. Thanks to this patient, Mjåset has shifted his worldview about the latter category of care. Researchers, he says, suggest that “ 3 out of 10 times your doctor prescribes or suggests something that is completely unnecessary. You know what they claim the reason for this is? Patient pressure.”
For many of us, the whole process of receiving healthcare — making an appointment, waiting for it to arrive, rearranging our schedule so we can go, showing up for it — takes considerable time and energy. We may feel, consciously or not, that our efforts need to yield a concrete result. We want to leave our encounter with a doctor bearing a diagnosis, plan of action, prescription, or some other decisive, active response.
Mjåset believes that both physicians and patients need to be vigilant about excessive care. He says, “A good doctor sometimes says no, but the sensible patient also sometimes turns down an opportunity to get diagnosed or treated.” When he spoke to his colleagues about his patient and her question, they said they’d also never been asked: “Is it necessary?”
He suggests 4 questions that we should pose to our doctors the next time they recommend a medication, procedure, test, treatment or surgery.
Is this really necessary?
What are the risks?
Are there other options?
What happens if I don’t do anything?
Mjåset knows raising these questions is easier said than done. It’s especially true given the limited time most people have with healthcare providers. In a 2017 study, doctors’ appointments in the 18 countries that accounted for half the world’s population lasted for five minutes or less; even countries like Sweden and the US had average appointment lengths of 22 minutes and 20 minutes,
Monday, September 28, 2020
Greene County
Greene County
As of Mon, Sep 28, 2020, 2:32 PM EDT
Confirmed Cases6,312
15.3%Since last week
205.2%Since last week
Confirmed Cases123,406
Sunday, September 27, 2020
I am searching for my tornado story as In traveled across Oklahoma to visit Buffalohair Carlos
RIP Rene Carlos Guevara “Buffalohair” —
Rene Carlos Guevara was born on August 2, 1953 in California. Throughout his life, he went on many advetures and traveled the world. Sadly, his life ended on Feburary 27th due to cancer related illnesses. He was made comfortable. Of the lives Rene touched were those of his three children.
via RIP Rene Carlos Guevara “Buffalohair” —
RECAP: The Paranormal Side of Earth Changes
February 10, 2018
in Asia, Paranormal and Bump in the Night, US News
and tagged dealing with change, dogma news, Earth Changes, Reality Check, recaps, Religions, survivasl, Time of Change | Leave a comment
May 26, 2010, by Buffalohair
It is almost comical to witness sign after sign as the Earth Changes count coup on civilization. Ma Earth has begun her “season” or cleansing cycle while mankind tries to find an angle to capitalize on the growing cyclic natural events, both political and financial. Predictably technology will soon become mankind’s Achilles Tendon as solar and stellar events take precedents over known science. And all the politicians on the planet can concern themselves about is political correctness while pandering to the International Monetary Fund and the New World Order or Globalization. Dare I mention they’ve also betrayed their electorates in the process? How far beyond stupid is that? But alas this was meant to be as foretold many generations ago. Continue reading →
Prophesies from around the planet have foretold of how man would try to control the world in the final days of this cycle. The era of the “Pied Piper” and false prophets has come to pass. People, like lemmings, scramble from one sweet talking politician to another while told elaborate bold faced lies, but they sound good. Presidents and Prime Ministers are only mouth pieces who take their marching orders from corporate oligarchs, plain and simple.
From the Orwellian point of view “Big Brother” and the time of double speak has already arrived. Naomi Klein’s concept of “Disaster Capitalism” and the “Shock Doctrine” has marched forward completely unabated on every continent on the planet. Economies around the world have been strategically crippled while international corporate terrorists introduce a “Global” solution to our financial woes, the final nail in the coffin of national sovereignty.
Like it or not people would rather hear a sweet lie instead of the hard truth and this will be their death nil. Oh well, to bad so sad. That was in prophesies as well by the way. On the bright side this is only a “sign” provided you are paying attention. When material wealth becomes meaningless the Oligarchy of the New World Order will be in the same boat as us as we enter the “humbling times”. According to visions even the star people will be stunned by the dynamic of this time of change.
There is much to say about the physical aspects of change and that is a good thing. But there is not much word about the supernatural or paranormal side to this time we live though. The truth of the matter is the spirit world or “the other side” will also interface with our plain or level of existence. What was once relegated to only a few folks such as medicine people, soothsayers and psychics will become privy to all of humanity. For some this will be a G*D-Send to others it will be a pariah and for a few it will be the last straw and push them over the edge. Frankly I believe the “interface” has already begun and there is no psychotropic drug in the universe that will silence the “voices” in people’s heads.
Within my culture we’ve always had a deep connection with the spirit world and have been quite aware of the other spirits that are around us. From space dudes to spirits who speak telepathically the voices in ones head are very real. Unfortunately some people can’t cope with our true reality and simply loose their minds or become subservient to the “voices”. The excuse for some of the most egregious crimes in history was “the voice in my head told me to do it” and that is just plain stupid. Granted, the voice was real and some bonehead spirit told a person to hack his family to pieces. Then the idiot turned around and whacked his family. How far beyond stupid is that?
I don’t care what a spirit or voice tells me to do, if it’s stupid, it’s stupid. And I could give a flying crappola about the lame threats they usually make when you “disobey”. I’ve been threatened with all kinds of stuff including the deaths of my poop-butt kids by angry spirits I defied. Been there, done that. It’s all a matter of perspective and the sooner people come to terms with the “voice” and the reality of the spirit world the better. Take it or leave it.
There is no secret to dealing with spirits and their pesky voices. The instruction manual is written within all the dogmas of the universe. The supernatural aspects of our reality did not stop in the last story of the Bible or other sacred script. The spirits who tormented people in these texts are still floating around and causing havoc to civilization and now they’ve gone into hyper drive. But on a good note so are the good spirits who walk with the Creator. Call it a spirit war if you will but we are knee deep in the middle of it and if we plan to survive this aspect of the time of change we better get over our fear of the supernatural. Knowing which spirit’s are good or bad is the key to surviving the future.
If you get all ga ga over simply seeing or hearing a spirit then you are putty in the hands of this bonehead. And if this joker is a bad spirit then you will most likely make headlines for some stupid mass murder of some kind. At the very least you would be manipulated in a very negative way. Get over the fact there are spirits and focus on if they are good or bad. Just cause some spirit can float you a Pepsi or shows you some fantastic parlor trick does not mean a cotton picking thing. Look within your dogma and you will learn to differentiate between the good guys and the bad. It’s really not a secret and your life will depend on this knowledge in the very near future paisan.
In my tradition we ask for verification from the Creator if a spirit dude is good or not. And when we get our answer we either pay attention to their words or tell them to go away, after all we still have the gift of free will. But never are we intimidated by any spirit or spook for fear is the fuel evil thrives on in many plains of existence. Space guys are treated the same way since there is both good and bad guys in their ilk as well. It is really quite simple whence you get over the fact they do exist. There are people who would go ga ga over the sight of a spirit and possibly think they were G*D’s of some kind, paleeze.
If some spirit told me he was a G*D and that I had to whack my kids or murder someone I would laugh my ass off at this bonehead but there are others who would simply comply. It would appear people are already “following” the commands of some butthead spirits. The rash of child stabbings in China is a classic example of woefully misguided people I do believe. It’s bound to get much worse throughout the planet as we interface with the spirit world more and more. Time is the task master and that is running very short.
Your Devil’s Advocate
Dividere la Storia
Time of Change |
obama nitrates Yeah, yeah, yeah talking about spirits seems sort of lame in this so called modern error, I mean era. Fact being, all dogmas address the supernatural and our direct connection with the spirit world. It’s not a secret homeboy. The spirit world is just next door and there are spirits who are here specifically to rain on your parade. Take it for what its worth but it was said in visions we all chose to walk this world with all the obstacles we face long before we were born unto Earth.
The obstacles placed before us were challenges we, as spirits, needed to overcome before we could continue our journey. Our time on Earth was only one of many stops we were to make on our magnificent journey of great knowledge. There, I said it and soon people will be burning my effigy in Time Square for being a heretic.
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By the way I don’t buy into the “my religion is better then yours” ka ka either. In one of many visions I saw all dogmas celebrating together in harmony at this ancient square. Everyone was happy and did not give a flying crappola if someone wore a Burka, Yarmulke or a bonnet filled with eagle feathers. Dogmas celebrated together as one, not this convoluted ‘Holy War/My G*d Rocks Your G*D Sucks’ nonsense that drives war based economies and the New World Order. How far beyond stupid is that?
So just be advised that man has bludgeoned religions to a pulp and retooled their respective dogmas to suite their material/ego needs over the last 500 years or so. He who controls the presses re-writes the history. If it were not for the fact we are living in the time of change I could only imagine the lies government scribes would write about this era of greed and corruption.
As for the metaphysical side to the Earth Changes, you had better figure it out before you find yourself struggling to find your sanity. We must make our connection with the spirit world and know whose who as far as spirits are concerned. We all have dealt with good and bad spirits since the time of birth. Sadly many cultures and religions have moved away from the concept of the spirits and the spirit world. Many people are blind to this very real side to our existence even though their dogmas preach about the good and bad spirits who influence our daily lives.
Now people freak out when some spirit moves a stupid candle around a room or spells “Scream” on spilled beer, gads. How lame is that eh? There are many different types of spirits and by no means am I a pro. I’m just a puppy like the rest of you goons so I’m only sharing what I’ve experienced so far. But you must realize there is a very real spirit war going on right now and the spirit world has begun in earnest to interface with our plain of existence. That’s a part of prophecy as well.
What we must be aware of is the subtle suggestions we mistake for our own judgment or thoughts for those are the voices of spirits. Johnny on the spot, these guys are ready to push the envelope and influence us in some very negative ways. All it takes is just one more word or thought to push someone over the edge and there they go killing their co workers then chopping them up into tiny chunks just because a “voice” told them to do so. Now that is just plain stupid but that is what is happening now. Why else would grown men armed with knives march into daycare centers and hack kids to death? Some bonehead spirit told them to.
If we go ga ga over just the sight of spirits we lost the battle. There are both good and bad spirits but no one seems to be paying attention to that aspect of the supernatural. Like the old adage goes, “Would you let someone convince you to jump off the Empire State Building?” Apparently the answer is yes since people are even tossing their kids out windows these days with the lame excuse, “the voice in my head made me do it”, paleeze.
Along with the physical aspects of earth changes the spirit world has come alive with spirits trying to connect with their ancestors. At the same time there is a host of evil spirits making sure people do not make this vital connection for they don’t want us to survive, plain and simple. The key to surviving the time of change was always a metaphysical one. Shelters, food stores and weapon stockpiles, though handy, are not the keys to survival. It’s your personal connection with your ancestors that would be the key to survival. Knowing which messenger is legit is a survival skill all dogmas preached about.
Knowing who to listen to when danger approaches will save your life. Your dogma has all these tidbits written down as per custom so I’m not going to try and convince you to follow my tradition, just pay attention to yours. The key to surviving the times we live is written in black and white and has been told over many campfires. Guess its more about walking your talk rather than just filling offering trays and singing songs. You must be a spiritual being not just having a Prozac moment.
Being spiritual does not mean you must walk around fearful of everything you do or forcing your ideology onto others. You don’t have to be paranoid and anal about your spirituality either. And please don’t go walking around in some Moon & Star store wearing an Antediluvian robe mumbling scriptures all day long either. Religion was meant to enhance our lives not imprison us in guilt and fear. Spirituality does not require props, self flagellation or the sacrificing your first born child. Being spiritual is being consciously aware of the spirits and spirit-world around you and knowing whom to trust and who you can ignore. Fear should never play into spirituality since you should have absolute faith within the teachings of your respective dogma anyway. Your belief system is your shield of protection from evil and your strength over fear.
Just remember that evil spirits flourish in an atmosphere of fear and once they got your number they will haunt you with your innermost qualms. They love to threaten you and your loved ones when you first stand up against them. They say some powerfully spooky crappola if you give them the chance to say their schpeel. No matter what they say or do, always stand firm and don’t give them any quarter, is my advice to you. Just because they are spirits does not make their words gold.
Hello Mac Fly, we are spirits to. It is imperative you get your spiritual act together before you end up on heavy meds, prison, mental institution or hanging from the rafters. Differentiating between good and evil spirit when a messenger appears (without freaking out) is the key to surviving the tumultuous times that lay ahead, capice?
Your Devil’s Advocate
Dividere la Storia
From An Indigenous Perspective
RECAP 09′: Hey Al, What About Uranus?
January 6, 2018 by Buffalohair in Asia, US News and tagged al gore news, carbon credit scam, climate change news, flashbacks in the news, lies and deception, nwo climate lies, Prophecy, reality check news
This is a piece I wrote back in 2009 that you might find eerily Pertinent & Entertaining. An Oldie But Goodie…Buffalohair
dork gore copyI think I’ve heard just as much as I can stand from Al Gore. I’m sorry but I tried to buy into his agenda but science just keeps getting in the way. Political alchemists filter his events from real opposition casting a shadow of suspicion on the true agenda. But I still think he’s a nice guy, really.
Those pesky ice core samples from Antarctica, at a bazillion dollar a popsicle, tell a different story, a story of cycles. Naturally occurring CO2 and a host of other so called green house gasses have been detected in sedimentary layers between Ice Ages. Contrary to popular belief this was not caused by Uncle Lester’s 1966 Volkswagen Van, it was caused by volcanism and a wide variety of fissures throughout the globe.
The fact Polar Regions throughout the solar system are melting may be another indicator that there is more afoot than green house gasses. But given time alchemists will say it’s a coincidence and point their accusing finger at some poor old trucker or little Bobby Zimmerman’s flatulent hamster. How far beyond stupid are we?
Throughout the region known as “The Ring of Fire” open fissures underwater are pumping trillions of tons of gases of all varieties and toxicities. Volcanologists have noted the marked increase in volcanic activity around the world in recent years. Russia just had a chain of volcanoes, (Kamchatka 6), erupt simultaneously as Kilauea continues to pump toxins into the ozone. Redoubt, in Alaska, has joined the ranks of the living as other sleeping volcanoes continue to spring to life around the world.
Tectonic plates are shifting as the earth groans in anticipation of the inevitable polar shift. Wonder if our magnetosphere ever closed back up. Ah but who pays attention that junk anyway? We should since we pay billions in taxpayer dollars on this research only to have it ignored for political/financial reasons.
There is no question mankind should not have been so destructive to the environment. But that would have disrupted profits and the corporate bottom line. In the corporate wake lay millions of aches of land contaminated beyond all hope yet it’s the little guy who will tot the burden of corporate greed. *Al Gore secured a $529 million loan in U.S. taxpayer’s money for a car manufacturer (Tessla) in Iceland he is in bed with. It has changed the matrix of his “Green” agenda because now it is clear the “green” he is looking for is cash. Carbon Credits are another sham in motion. But it was only a matter of time before the true agenda was exposed since his “science” does not hold water, never has, never will.
Al embraced California’s hyped up California Auto Resources Board (CARB) and Barack Obama expanded this agenda to a national level. It is funny, in a dark way, how much of the free world bought into this scam while Putin and real science said Nyet to this foolishness. China and India will never buy into this sham either. Apparently it did not matter that CARB was using flawed if not bogus data from an imposter who claimed to be a scientist, **Hein T. Tran. And as of this writing; discrepancies and inconstancies continue to be ignored regardless of the ramifications to industry and the nation as a whole. Scientists from around the world have balked at the data as totally inaccurate yet the media as a whole simply ignored it. Here is an excerpt from the ***San Diego Union Tribune who chronicled the fraud of the 21st Century, California’s CARB AB-32 Scoping Plan;
Specific Concerns Regarding October 24, 2008 CARB Staff Report on PM 2.5 [that’s the shorthand term for fine particles 2.5 micrometers in diameter and smaller] and Premature Deaths
1) Authors have no relevant peer reviewed publications and lead author has misrepresented his “Ph.D.”
2) Report and public comments were never shown to outside reviewers as stated in Executive Summary.
3) Five independent sources indicate no current relationship between PM2.5 and deaths in California.
4) California has fourth lowest total age-adjusted death rate among US states and ew “premature deaths.”
5) Diesel toxicity and fine particulate air pollution in California are currently at record low levels.
6) Before approving new diesel regulations, CARB should fully evaluate PM2.5 and deaths in California.
Conclusion: Important epidemiologic and toxicologic evidence does not support adverse health effects of diesel claimed by CARB and new diesel regulations should be postponed until above issues are fully and fairly evaluated.
The renowned scientists, with real degrees and credentials, who reviewed the infamous CARB AB-32 Scoping Plan, are as follows;
** (Compiled by Chris Reed, editorial writer of the Union Tribune)
James E. Enstrom, Ph.D., M.P.H.
He is a 35-year lifestyle epidemiologist with the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Anthony Fucaloro, Ph.D.
He is a 35-year chemist with public policy expertise from Claremont McKenna College Joint Science Department.
Matthew A. Malkan, Ph.D.
He is a 25-year astrophysicist with the UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Robert F. Phalen, Ph.D.
He is a 35-year air pollution toxicologist with UC Irvine Air Pollution Health Effects Laboratory
In the wake of bogus science California’s economy was destroyed. This forced millions of people to loose their jobs and shuttered industries throughout the state. Arnold “The Schlock” Schwarzenegger continued to pander for Mexico’s Baja deep water port while disabling some of the most lucrative ports in the western hemisphere. Arnie waged war on the trucking industry forcing hard working American’s to loose their way of life. Other industries who depended on diesel to make their living also took a direct hit with absolutely no compensation or bail-out.
It is clear that Arnold is involved in the international corporatism movement (Globalization). He is a noted supporter of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). And as we all should know by now, this agreement hinges on the destruction of national sovereignty to all nations that sign on. It’s all about the money and corporatism. And from all indicators globalization is an act of treason by world leaders who purport this axiom.
Now the United States has taken on the “green” cause and is in the process of crippling America’s economy, and with good reason. Whence America has become bankrupt their will be a global solution to “save” the day. Like they say; a drowning man will grasp the hand of the Devil himself even if it was the Devil who tossed him into the drink. Sadly we will have sold our democracy down the river and a New World Order will arise from the ashes of our broken economy.
Disaster Capitalism at its best as the interests of a hand full of international corporations takes over the world. Just remember that about 50 of the top economies of the world are corporations. The real wealth will be distributed to a hand full of corporate thugs who dictate marching orders to the World Trade Organization.
It is a good thing the tyranny these corporate criminals are planning for the New World Order is also destined to fail for that is part of prophecy as well. Just remember that mankind will be faced with totalitarian rule but it will not come to pass. Mother Earth will have the final say for it is written that the meek shall inherit the Earth. It is ironic that no matter what man does at this juncture they are following prophecies of the ancients to the letter. One day soon we will realize what the ancients were warning us about and all the cash in the world will not alter the final outcome.
Bada Bing, Bada Bang, Bada Boom, capice?
Your Devil’s Advocate
Foot Note: Now in 2017 there is even more solid science that proves climate change is cyclic and not caused by Barney’s smoky Ford Pinto. Whether it’s a Mini Ice Age or another 10,000 year run is yet to be determined but one is for sure, Al was totally wrong & people should have been warned about this known weather event.
Dividere la Storia
annlrd: A Fast runner as a child, ran fast like a deer, hence Nick name, Little Running Deer Use me when herding cattle, Ran ahead of cattle to open gates! Buffalohair Productions, From An Indigenous Perspective Buffalohair Leave a comment January 12, 2018 6 MinutesEdit "Moved Forward:)RECAP 09′: Hey Al. What About Uranus?"
Saving The World One Family At A Time! Billions in Change
WHAT IS 5 Hour Energy Drink doing with (90 or 99%) of it’s profits? He was taught as a child growing up, if you do well as an adult, it is your duty to help others who have less.
Billions in Change
Published on Sep 29, 2017
New film, New Ideas New Inventions. Billions in Change 2 shows how simple life-changing inventions provide clean water, electricity, and improve the lives of farmers. See how these inventions will enable the unlucky half of the world to improve their lives. For more information go to
Joys of Radiation: My Radioactive Renaissance. A Mutants Tale
January 9, 2018 in Asia and tagged contamination, nuclear radiation, radioactive contamination, Satire, surviving disaster, War | Leave a comment
After all the hype about the shower of radioactive death that would rain in my region of the planet I had some concerns. I was well aware that I was already exposed to plenty of radiation in my earlier years. Other than a few anomalous growths and an overwhelming desire to drink human blood I weathered my contamination quite well actually. I am comfortable in knowing that I am forever genetically altered and that my DNA double helix more resembles a wad of used chewing gum on chop sticks. Since I could not possibly escape the radioactive plume I decided to make the most of it.
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OK so our environment will have more ambient radiation than before and more cancers will evolve that coincidentally resembles radiation sickness. But for all the concerns for the ill effects of radiation exposure I really want to know if I can micro-wave a pizza outside during a nuclear event. A coronal mass ejection would be ideal with all them big juicy gamma and x-rays flying all around. And if the magnetosphere is absent on that day it’s the CME Cha Cha, beam me up Scotty. But I guess it does not matter where I am when one of them puppies explodes. So I was just thinking; I’m going to be all contaminated anyway so why not have a super power
Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity they say. Well, here I am glowing in the dark from another nuclear catastrophe and it’s about time I cash in on my radioactivness. Maybe I could get x-ray vision from my exposure, which would be cool. Hopefully I could shut it off from time to time so I don’t view everyone in the buff. I could get a job with TSA and work at the airport checking everyone out naked. The down side to x-ray vision would be the fact boobs would loose their magical appeal. After a while butts would simply look like just another stinky ass trying to find the right concourse. Hmm, forget about it. I already think the world is run by a bunch of buttheads anyway. That’s all I would need is a visual.
I could fly around like superman or something. I would not need a car or insurance and the cost of fuel, oy vey. I could zip on down to Wal-Mart or Zellers without having to find a place to part. But what would I do with all the junk I bought at the store? Maybe I could get the cashier to double bag my stuff so I don’t lose anything on the way home. That’s all I need is to whack someone on the head with a bag of dog food that dropped out of the sky. Gads, I’ve already made my attorneys rich from my anger management issues. That’s all I need are law suites for broken windows, dented cars and a few headaches from airborne groceries.
And how would I go out on a date? Would the chick need a helmet and would I have to strap her to me like a seatbelt? What if she drops a high heel and impales someone on the ground like a lawn dart? If she had a skirt on that could cause complications. Her bum would be hanging out there for the whole world to gawk at eh. Naw, think I’ll pass on that one to. Besides, the landing part would probably not be so cool. I’d crash and burn every time I landed. I’d have groceries everywhere in the pasture. Ginger the Wonder Horse and the crew would have a field day, forget about it.
Being invisible would suck for the most part, nothing like being ignored. But my biggest fear would be to materialize in front of someone only to discover that I am buck naked. I doubt my cloths would disappear since I would be the one that is radioactive but I guess I could contaminate them. I probably could contaminate everything I touched for that matter. Only problem is contamination is not invisibility. Hmm, would that be a super power? I could be Radioactive Man, a contemporary hero of the radiologically contaminated age. I could go to parties with my super powers and microwave popcorn under my armpits and warm pizza slices with my buttocks. That would get the ladies. Gads, would I be forced to wear spandex? And well, me and the boys don’t like restrictions, if you get my drift. Since we’re on the subject of genitalia and super powers ….aw skip it.
So here I am enjoying my radioactive weekend. Guess I might as well get some chicken wings and dipping stuff. I’ll also need some corn and potato chips, most likely GMO. I make my own bean dip and killer guacamole. Hmm, that reminds me, I better make my salsa to. And I think I’ll do a scientific experiment as well. I’ll pull out a few moose steaks and place them on a rack outside and see if the ambient radiation cooks the meat. Just in case, I’ll have the grill at the ready. I also have some elk but since its radiation weekend I’m going for the gusto. What better way to ingest my share of alpha and beta particles then to imbibe in a thick juicy moose steak smothered in onions and garlic with a hint of fresh sage, pepper and sea salt?
I like squirrel and other rodents prepared that way as well. They say fennel is best for long pork. I personally thought fresh spearmint worked well with all the flavors, especially in the sauce and rue. It’s sort of minty with a meat bravado that is reminiscent to lamb….Hello Clarice. In any event radiation and all its joys are here to stay. The Fukushima nuclear festival was simply a transuranic memo identifying the frailties and haplessness of man and his technologies. Many nuclear disasters preceded Fuku and unfortunately more will follow during the era we live, there is no question.
As I view the picturesque Rocky Mountains, a breeze with spring’s musings and Nippon’s Nuclear Noir embrace their liberty while dancing throughout my home in radiological flare. Actually I’ve come to the realization that I am a mutant because my DNA is surely altered by now. We are all mutants for that matter so it’s already a done deal for this generation. So what is everyone squawking about? Some of us will rot quicker than others, big deal. We do that already; we’ll just have more to rot about. Only real difference is our rate of decomposition from the varying degrees of exposure we’ve been receiving.
On the bright side, what a business opportunity radiation has to offer a guy with the right angle for a quick buck. I can see it now, me and my traveling medical show selling tinctures of lead and iodine based remedies for radiation sickness. From creams, lotions, teas and even suppositories I could have a radiological roach coach and sell potassium iodine smoothies on the side. I’ll move to Austin, Texas the roach coach capital of the world. Austin really rocks……………
Your Devil’s Advocate
Dividere la Storia
January 10, 2018 5 MinutesEdit "Joys of Radiation: My Radioactive Renaissance. A Mutants Tale"
RECAP 10′: Scientists or Alchemists?
January 7, 2018 by Buffalohair in Asia, US News and tagged al gore news, climate lies, climate truth, corporate lies, fake science, Humanity, new world order stooges, real science
A story I wrote back in 2010 that has become revalidated by the times we are now living. Granted real science has come a long way in validating the coming Ice Age since the time this was written. After all, my works center around my visions and the oral history of my people….Buffalohair
Look, up in the air. It’s a bird; it’s a plane it’s hmm. Whatever it is, it’s whizzing around at approximately *90 millions away and scientists don’t have a clue what it is. Since we’ve entered into a much more tumultuous phase of Earth Changes it’s not surprising that science is finding it harder and harder to explain things they truly do not understand. From a tribal perspective, it’s time to break out the lawn chairs because the show is about to get better.
The realities of the times we live dictate that more astronomical events will take center stage in the future. Eventually may people will begin to panic as more such objects, crafts or beings make their presents known. Earth born anomalies have also begun to occur as Ma Earth prepares for her polar shift. Planetary alignments will yield a bounty of unexplainable events to the chagrin of our pocket protector wearing sleuths from the scientific communities around the world. Ironically corporatists will also find a way to capitalize on these events like they have with global warming.
Politicians should be preparing their citizenry for the coming catastrophes not capitalizing on them. The reality of global warming and acidification of the ocean lay in volcanism along the 40,000 rift that separates the tectonic plates of the Earth. The warming of the sun by 2 degrees Celsius also played into the mix. Other planets experienced the shrinking of their polar caps at the very same time Earth did but scientists managed to come up with a host of excuses as to way it all was just a coincidence.
The real news about the environment should have been the fact volcanoes continue to erupt like never before in recorded history. They are dumping trillions of tons of poisonous deadly gases into the environment almost daily making mans contribution as indistinguishable as a grain of sand in a world of beaches. **Kilauea volcano of Hawaii has continued to erupt spewing trillions and trillions of tons of sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide into the ozone since 1983. The list of volcanic eruptions is reaching astronomical proportions with barely a peep from so call scientists.
It is funny how the elite class is stockpiling their underground shelters with sustenance around the world though. There are some very large and complex shelters around the country paid for with taxpayer dollars and we the people will not be invited when the time comes, but that’s another story. Instead, the public is painted a Polly Anna picture of Earth Changes and how man can “save” the planet. At least the elite class is preparing but sadly the doors to their shelters will be locked to the likes of us. Funny part of all this is what was said in a vision, “their sanctuary will be their tomb”, so maybe we will have the last laugh anyway.
History has already suggested that many civilizations have perished from global climate shifts that were directly related to ***volcanic activity that altered the climate. Other astronomical events have also caused cataclysmic events that also altered the course of human history and there were no diesels or coal fired furnaces on the planet to blame. The Little Ice Age from 1600 to 1800 was only a precursor to the events that lay ahead yet scientists have become alchemists by turning natural events into gold by siding with billionaire investors such as George Soros, Warren Buffet and Al Gore who’ve invested billions on the climatic scam of the century. Scientists need to grow a “pair” and stand behind their research rather than be patsies in political rhetoric. Like it or not, this is all a scam and the public will suffer needlessly by not being informed of the truth so they can prepare.
What really gets my goat are the eclectic Earther’s who march on the axiom of ancient prophesies of Earth Change then contradict themselves by placing blame on man. It’s either prophesies or it’s not for we can not have it both ways ideologically. The outcome was also prophesized and nowhere did they make mention man would find a cure and alter destiny. I know within my tradition and visions that mankind is absolutely powerless to alter the cycles of Ma Earth, plain and simple. Rather than line the pockets of the same players who continue to lie to the public we should be preparing for climate change and a host of other anomalies that will soon overwhelm humanity.
The disaster in Haiti is only a precursor of things to come for no place on Earth will be untouched by change. Scientists will soon learn that chemistry can change in ways they never thought possible. Now that science has merged with politics the truth will evade the public’s ear as scientists, turn alchemists, try to convert global change into gold for a select few and that’s the bottom line, lock stock and tomahawk.
Your Devil’s Advocate
Foot Note: Sadly Haiti was not only the victim of a natural disaster, later it was learned The Clinton Foundation stole $6 Billion in aid money destined to the impoverished people of Haiti who were in desperate need. As mentioned earlier, real science discovered other anomalous space activities that play a key role min the Earth’s climate. But predictable, truth is not profitable and people will die in the very near future because of simple greed.
Dividere la Storia
Monthly Archives: September 2008
Roses for All of Us !
September 30, 2008 by Ann in The Now and tagged A pick me up, Rose | Leave a comment
Midsummer roses in a vase
Image via Wikipedia
Roses for All of Us !
File:HK TST InterContinental HK Hotel 香港洲際酒店 lobby hall Red roses.JPG
File:White roses.jpg
File:Small Red Rose.JPG
Ann’s own Art Work
September 28, 2008 by Ann in The Finer Arts and tagged Energy from the Soul |
Poetry Award, Thank You!
September 28, 2008 by Ann in Poetry and tagged My own Poetry | Leave a comment
I felt a child’s love today
Drifting around me like flower pedals from above
Their worried eyes and sad faces
As they reached out and touched my heart
Ah my children
My love is so deep for you
It is all right my child
Know that you are stronger than you think
Always remember
I will always be there In a song we sang together
no matter where you go you will always know
The good moments we had together
And they will be like my hand touching
Your face and your heart
Yes always remember dear ones
Yes, I felt a child’s love today
byLittle Running Deer
August 25, 2003
AllrightsReserved©Little Running Deer
Out Of Alpine
I rode through the hills to a village called Alpine and suddenly there before me was a beautiful lake.
So on down to the lakeshore I rode and there on a sandy beach was a beautiful long
haired woman in its wake.
She lifted the skirt of her long white dress as she waded, this very beautiful lady by this lake.
Out of the storybooks my Sir Author dream comes true, for standing before me
Stood this beautiful one, my soul was suddenly awake
I captured her with my voice and grace as we stood there by the lake
She now calls me her King, her Golden Knight and I call her my Queen. For out of the Village of Alpine I found my very own lady of the lake.
Lady, did you know this day would be so special
As you waded along the shore
With minnows nibbling at your feet
Lady, did you know you would steal some ones heartbeat
And it would be yours forever more
Lady, did you know?
Oh my lady did you know?
Be so gentle with this heart
Hold it close to your own
Lady, did you know this day would be so special
When you made my heart your own
Lady, did you know?
Oh my lady did you know?
by Little Running Deer
AllrightsReserved©Little Running Deer
Jewels In My MindDrops of water
Like jewels running
Through my fingers
The sweet water
That I may
Never taste again
Mountain snow water
So sweet and crystal clear
Like a dream
Of long ago
The picture painted
In my mind
Of the shallow mountain
River rushing swiftly by
So sweet and crystal clear
And the drops of water
Like jewels running
Through my fingers
Are now running
Through my mind.
by Little Running Deer AllrightsReserved©Little Running Deer
Cut through the Heart
September 28, 2008 by Ann in Heart and tagged Hurting ones Spirit | Leave a comment
Are you a people watcher? As you are waiting for time to pass by? Found you were too early and had to wait for a shop to open. So you find a bench in a Garden Mall and watch the early morning walkers:) Well, I have started to watch my life and the few people I have let into it. Am I picky who I let be my friends? I guess so but then they say ones from the West Coast are friendly but reserved and will hold you at arms length. Hummmm now that must be a regional pattern picked up and taught in families, as it is hard to see it as family genes.
I wish I was more that way in my on-line Internet Life. As let me tell you, it can be very stressful if you take that life serious or believe everything anyone says. Some have the most rollercoast life you could ever imagine if any of it is true:) LOL I find my humor comes in handy on line to deal with some of it. Even if some can not handle my humor:) As I find I have a dark humor, when ones carry on too much with their sillyness with me or become disrespectful and show a racist side to their personality. Yes, I know I should have walked away in an instant. Maybe I am learning to do that, after a few snake bites. Single web pages are best !!!!!
But I have a fault that is killing me in an online Life. Heck it has bitten me in the ass in real life a few times . So why did I let it happen on line too? Didn’t I learn anything? What is it? I some times can be too helpful for a cause and the people working for that cause or the people the cause is all about. That is a business you know in the Arts, too. Who can you use today? Funny thing is I had no plans or any planned place to go, I was just being helpful. So I wasn’t playing the game of stepping stones.
I deleted out once on line, when I thought I had done what I had promised in helping a cause. WOW talk about anger from one of that group! I had no intentions of hurting or harming them in anyway. I just got them to where they wanted to go at that time. I said goodbye now, it was fun, you don’t need me anymore. I got to see you grow and get a fan base. Hurray !!!!!!!!!!! Hey, It was a free gift of my time, just for fun. You were using me …. not I you.
But my son just reminded me of something the other day! So before you start …. think on this one before helping causes and peoples. If you like and care about them especially.
Promoting a person, an Artist does it end?
You can never stop promoting if you really care!
Because as soon as you do, their career or name
goes down the tubes and they are forgotten.
My son was saying look at this person!
She really was lousy at flying!
But she had a promoter
Her husband!
He got her personal appearances everywhere!
He kept her Name out there.
She/her name was never forgotten!
But was she the best or good at flying? No , says my son.
(Must have been one of those PBS Features he watched:)
It was her Husband , her promoter that kept her famous.
Official Amelia Earhart Web site
Official Amelia Earhart site, includes biography and rare photos.
Sequoia Giant
September 23, 2008 by Ann in The Past and tagged Photographer Dale, Sequoia | Leave a comment
Free Large Photos: Sequoia National Park
The General Sherman Tree, the largest living tree in the world by mass (not … Wuksachi Lodge in winter, Sequoia National Park, California. … – 10k –
Pictures of Sequoia National Park in California: Trees near Giant … – 8k –
Sequoia Tree Photos Giant Forest Pictures California – 10k
Redwood Parks
September 23, 2008 by Ann in The Past and tagged Eel River | Leave a comment
Redwood Parks Largest Redwood Trees. Biggest Redwoods Photo Pics … – 51k –
Let me introduce you to Buffalohair!
September 22, 2008 by Ann in The Future and tagged Buffalohair, The Future, The Now | 2 Comments
Welcome to Buffalohair Gazette International
Buffalohair’s Blog at Word Press
We are slowly redoing the Buffalohairs Main BGI page! Now renamed Buffalohair Universe. Wow, talk about growth! So many pages it has now become a News and Entertainment Magazine! Take a look see!
Ann Little Running Deer
Anns Journal Collection,Health and environmental news.
Anns Redwood Forest at Word Press
Buffalohair with the…
Latest World Headline News for the Voiceless
Buffalohair Gazette International News Archive 2009 – 2013
Our Main Front page Buffalohair-Jage Press
Home of our World News and Entertainment Magazine.
Buffalohair Universe with all of Buffalohair’s newest written News Stories in his well known style.
Archives of our old Front Page, the pages and info:) I placed at Buffalohair-Jage Press WP/
To keep that Blog active! Buffalohair and I started adding on lots of new Music videos and Entertainment News Feeds 🙂
That is now the new, Buffalohair Entertainment Page!
Just another up-beat page of our Magazine:)
Buffalohair-Jage Press
Welcome to Buffalohair Universe Buffalohair Gazette International on Steroids
and Anns Journal Collection,Health and environmental news.!
Greetings To our new home !
As we get settled in, we are exploring a bit ourselves What new features will we bring you. What were some of the best features of my Journals? What helped you the reader, the most?
Sit back and relax as we take you around the World and into every field of thought and discovery. Read the newest update in the World News of what is really happening, that you seldom see or hear about. News that makes you stop and think. Stories that will break your heart. Stories that will make you laugh.
Redwood Forest – Ancient Redwood Trees of Northern California
September 18, 2008 by Ann in The Past and tagged Ancient Redwood Trees, Northern California | Leave a comment
AllrightsReserved©Little Running Deer
September 18, 2008 by Ann in The Now and tagged The Old Forests, Their water supply | Leave a comment
On the Eel River
September 12, 2008 by Ann in The Now and tagged Old Grandfathers who were protected | Leave a comment
Redwood Forest Save Forever
Smithsonian Channel: It’s Brighter Here
Smithsonian Channel brings original programs exploring science, nature, and pop culture to your TV. Find favorites, learn where the newest programming is.
Just thought I would say hello and you and Ann inspire me. I send my love.
June 9, 2017 at 2:53 pm
June 24, 2017 at 10:39 am
An Interesting post; The Pineal Gland: The Secret The Illuminati Has Kept From Humanity
Posted on June 23, 2017
June 24, 2017 at 11:19 am
Fluoride In Our Drinking Water:
July 23, 2017 at 5:10 pm
Holistic Doctors Being Killed? GcMAF and Nagalase (Vaccines and Autism)
Why This Osteopath Says Someone is Trying To Silence Her About Her Husband’s Death (He was a Doctor Found Dead)By Erin Elizabeth –
July 31, 2017
July 23, 2017 at 5:13 pm
Murdered Holistic Doctors Update
I’ll be Keynote speaker at event in Las Vegas and a few other gigs I have
July 28, 2017 at 2:38 am
J. Ann Gilman E.
July 29, 2017 at 3:40 am
Published on Oct 15, 2015
Welcome to Episode 2 of “The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest”.
This Episode is about Cancer Facts And Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils. We welcome you to watch this Episode completely free.
Taking Essential Oils
“Frankincense for the brain and Myrrh.for the liver.. both kill different cancers “.10 drops each and mixing in coconut oil and making your own skin cream, in putting it on the back of neck then it acts double for breathing in to heal the whole body.
A drop of Frankincense oil on the tongue every two hours, touching the roof of your mouth for brain tumors.
August 4, 2017 at 3:04 am
6 Plants Native Americans Use To Cure Everything
The Pathological Optimist: My Interview with Dr Andrew Wakefield & Director/Producer Miranda Bailey
By Erin Elizabeth –
November 2, 2017
August 4, 2017 at 3:13 am
For Cancer non cooked hemp oil in smoothies
Dr. Coldwell Says Hemp Cures Cancer
Oncologists Don’t Like Baking Soda Cancer Treatment Because It’s Too Effective and Too Cheap
There are doctors, AND patients, who have first-hand knowledge that even the most aggressive cancers- even those which have metastasized- can be reversed by using the baking soda cancer treatment. While chemotherapy is toxic to all cells, it represents the only measure that oncologists employ…
Read More
August 8, 2017 at 6:21 am
August 8, 2017 at 6:26 am
August 10, 2017 at 8:01 am
August 10, 2017 at 4:51 pm
Published on Jan 5, 2017
Ann Boroch shares important information you need to know before beginning a juice cleanse, and other ideas to push your health re-start button for the new year.
August 10, 2017 at 10:44 pm
In seconds going on alkaline diet…. cancer stops!
1 A 1 bodies are alkaline/ it is our job to maintain that……
Every Cancer Can be Cured in Weeks or minutes explains Dr. Leonard Coldwell
Is Eating Before Bed a Good Idea? – Dr. Mercola | The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest | Keto Diet
August 19, 2017 at 9:37 pm
Be Careful What You Eat
June 9, 2017 at 3:06 pm
June 10, 2017 at 5:42 pm
Can’t Stop The Feeling – Dance Like Nobody’s Watching – The Piano Guys
July 15, 2017 at 1:35 pm
Eating Healthy on a Budget: The Plant Paradox Way
Gundry MD
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream – (The Plant Paradox Recipe)
July 15, 2017 at 2:03 pm
Oooooops! Non Acid foods when cancer appears is a start of change ……. Then low and behold we learn more about poison plants with their protective protein!!!!!! WHAT ! That are Stamped Healthy ! Yes, but pills from the store shelves, help you keep eating the poison! WHAT Again!
Popeye’s spinach really was good after all!
Fluoride in our tap water numbed our thinking that much? Wow! ? TV ads put us into a yummy trance, to trust what they told you to eat as the healthy way? Talk about a plan in motion:(
Dr. Gundry Shocks Hallmark Hosts with Hidden “Healthy” Food Dangers
Gundry MD
July 15, 2017 at 2:51 pm
July 18, 2017 at 2:38 am
Can You Guess Her Age? — Raw Vegan Diet Is Woman’s Fountain of Youth
J. Ann Gilman E.
July 30, 2017 at 11:23 am
J. Ann Gilman E.
July 30, 2017 at 11:25 am
Cancer feeds on Sugar:( It is like pouring gasoline on a fire !!!!!!
White/ Black Tongue Cancer?
August 7, 2017 at 12:12 pm
Gundry MD Primal Plants
why are these ingredients
asked by michael c. on August 6, 2017
Showing 1-1 of 1 answers
Did not want to pay out Ten’s of Thousand of Dollars for a label? In His recipes he mentions some of the foods he uses as being organic but that certain Company paid dearly to get that word ‘organic’ on their package. So he is very aware on that word!
Ann /JAGE answered on August 7, 2017
June 20, 2017 at 5:48 am
N’we Jinan Artists – “IMPORTANT TO US” // Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary
Nwe Jinan
June 22, 2017 at 9:44 pm
Little Homestead in the City – the Urban Homestead Journal
visit site »
June 22, 2017 at 9:46 pm
Greening Our World And Saving Money ! Starting with what we have. No matter how small of a start, taking a first step to better our Lives and our World..
June 22, 2017 at 9:55 pm
Flower Beds June 2017
Out West
August 21, 2017 at 4:35 pm
Buffalohair – Jage at WIX !
June 30, 2017 at 5:59 pm
July 1, 2017 at 10:30 am
The Connected Universe
July 14, 2017 at 4:53 pm
Nassim Haramein Unified Field Theory / Theory of Everything [FULL VIDEO]
July 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm
Ah! Figured it out, GOOD!
I Spy ! Peek A Boo I see YOU!
FORGET IT!!!!!! No FEMA !!!!!!
New World Odor:( Order?
Tom Hanks on Hollywood’s tipping point over sexual misconduct
?????? New World Order President Trump Exposes The Satanic Illuminati New World Order!! 2016
Donald Trump – Controlled by the Illuminati? New World Order MUST WATCH
Illuminati, Reptilians The Manipulation of Reality – David Icke
July 1, 2017 at 11:13 am
We are all connected with nature: Nixiwaka Yawanawa at TEDxHackney
Warts? What Works? Raw Potatoes? Bananas Skins?
10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts
July 3, 2017 at 4:20 pm
July 3, 2017 at 10:43 pm
With fan blowing over frozen water bottles and loose ice blocks!
July 4, 2017 at 3:30 am
July 5, 2017 at 1:43 am
Aircraft Emergency Slide Evacuation
July 7, 2017 at 6:31 pm
Larry K
Sarasota, FL, Florida
July 11, 2017 at 10:02 am
Antonio Sanchez shared The Bismarck Tribune’s post.
9 hrs ·
Myron Dewey NOT GUILTY!
The Bismarck Tribune
12 hrs ·
Criminal charges against a well-known drone operator, who documented the Dakota Access Pipeline protests, were dismissed Monday at the request of the prosecutor.
July 13, 2017 at 10:19 pm
Alabama from the name of the Alibamu or Albaamu Tribe with origins among the Creek meaning town and Choctaw meaning thicket clearers and vegetable gatherers and cutters of medicine plants.
Alaska from the Aleut word alakshak meaning peninsula or great land.
*Arizona from the Pima and Papago word arizonac meaning place of small springs or little spring place as well as from the Spanish interpretation of the Aztec arizuma.
Arkansas from the name of the Quapaw Tribe from other neighboring Native American Nations as well as bad French interpretation of the word acansa meaning downstream place.
Connecticut from the Mahican word quinnehtukqut meaning beside the long tidal river.
*Idaho from the area tribes meaning gem of the mountains as told by early settlers of the territory but actually time showed that it was a created word by a mining lobbyist from a possible Shoshone word and possible Plains Apache word idaahe.
Illinois from the French interpretation of Algonquin Miami iliniwek and ilenweewa meaning warriors and tribe of superior men as well as an adaptation of Odawa ilinouek.
Indiana meaning Land of Indians as given by the Americans for the many tribes that lived there and that were moved there before Indiana became a state as it was the real first Indian Territory established by the United States.
Iowa from the name of the Ioway Tribe, but also possible corruption of the word Kiowa as used by the Meswaki Nation for the Tribe that lived south of them on the Iowa River to describe those that wander.
Kansas from the name of the Kansa or Kaw Tribe meaning people of the south wind.
Kentucky from the Wyandot word kahtentah and the Lenape word kahntukay and the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) words kentahten, kantake and ketakeh meaning land of tomorrow describing the area that was a mutual and neutral hunting ground for many Tribes.
Massachusetts from the Algonquian Narragansett messatossec, massawachusett, and massachuseuck of the Massachusetts Tribe meaning people of the Green Hill.
Michigan from the Anishinaabe micigana, meicigama or meshi-gami meaning great waters or great lakes.
Minnesota from the Lakota word minisota meaning sky tinted waters for the many lakes.
Mississippi from the French interpretation of the Anishinaabe and Algonquin words for the river misissipi, messipi and misiziibi meaning Great River.
Missouri from the Iliniwek Missouri Tribe wimihsoorita meaning owners of big canoes. Other origins include the Lakota word for the Missouris Tribe meaning town of large canoes or wooden canoe people and even river of the big canoes.
Nebraska from the Oto word nebrathka, the Omaha-Ponca nbdhaska, and the Ioway-Otoe nbraske meaning flat water or flat river for the Platte River.
New Mexico from mexitli the Aztec God and named by Spain for its new territories north of the Rio Grande River.
North Dakota & South Dakota named for the Territory of Dakota from the Dakhota (Dakota) Tribe and possible the Santee dakhota as well as possible Omaha-Ponca dakkudha.
Ohio from the Haudenosaunee word oheo or ohioway for the confluence of the Alleghany and Ohio Rivers meaning good river and beautiful river.
Oklahoma from the Choctaw words okla for people and humma for red meaning land of the red people.
*Oregon from the possible French interpretation of Algonquin Native words wauregan and ouregon for the Oregon River (what would be called the Columbia River) and maybe French word ouaricon-sint for the Wisconsin River.
Tennessee from the Aniyunwiya (Cherokee) word tenasi or tanasi for the Little Tennessee River and one of their main villages that at one time was the capital of the Nation.
Texas from a Caddo word teyshas meaning friends or allies.
Utah for the Ute Tribe meaning high up people and later poorly translated people of the mountains as they were sometimes referred to by the Apache from the word yudah and yuttahih.
Wisconsin from the Anishinaabe words wishkonsing and miskwasiniing as well as Miami meskonsing with various meanings from red place, red stone place and place of the beaver or has also been attributed to the French interpretation ouisconsin meaning grassy place.
Wyoming from the Algonquin Lenape word maughwauwama meaning large plains at the big flat river as their word for the Wyoming Territory that reminded them of the same area of the Wyoming Valley in their homeland of Pennsylvania.
As one can see, this is just another example of our rich Native American Culture in the United States. This greatly extends to names of regions, counties, cities, streets, lakes, mountains, rivers, and so much more. We are a country of Native American word origins.
This is also just one small study into the linguistics nightmare of a short list of words with Native American origins. One can see that the various ways of pronouncing and spelling a Native American word over time has created much debate on where and when the original names of our states came.
Afable, Patricia O. & Beeler, Madison S. 1996. Place Names. In Languages. Ives Goddard, Ed. Vol. 17 of Handbook of North American Indians. William C. Sturtevant, Ed. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution.
Bright, William. 2004. Native American Place Names of the United States. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
Campbell, Lyle. 1997. American Indian Languages: The Historical Linguistics of Native America. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Chamberlain, Alexander F. 1902. Algonkian Words in American English: A Study in the Contact of the White Man and the Indian. The Journal of American Folklore, 15, (59) 240-267.
Crowley, Terry. 1992. An Introduction to Historical Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Cutler, Charles L. 1994. O Brave New Words! Native American Loanwords in Current English. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
DeMallie, Raymond J. 2001. Plains. Vol. 13 of Handbook of North American Indians. William C. Sturtevant, Ed. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution.Flexner, Stuart B. & Hauck, Leonare C. Eds. 1987. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. New York: Random House.Guyton, Kathy. 2009. U.S. State Names: The Stories of How Our States Were Named. Nederland, CO: Mountain Storm Press.
LeClaire, Nancy, & Cardinal, George. 1998. Alberta Elders’ Cree Dictionary. Earle Waugh, Ed. Edmonton: U of Alberta Press.
Nyholm, Earl & Nichols, John D. 1995. A Concise Dictionary of Minnesota Ojibwe. University of Minnesota Press.
Rankin, Robert. 2005. Quapaw. In Native Languages of the Southeastern United States, eds. Heather K. Hardy & Janine Scancarelli, Eds. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Rhodes, Richard A. 1985. Eastern Ojibwa-Chippewa-Ottawa Dictionary. Trends in Linguistics Documentation 3. Berlin: Mouton.
Rhodes, Richard A. 2002. Multiple Assertions, Grammatical Constructions, Lexical Pragmatics, and the Eastern Ojibwa-Chippewa-Ottawa Dictionary. In Making Dictionaries: Preserving Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Frawley, Hill, and Munro, Eds. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Sanders, Thomas E., & Walter W. Peck. Eds. 1973. Literature of the American Indian. Berkeley: Glencoe.
Sturtevant, William C. Ed. 1983. Handbook of North American Indians. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution.
About Jamie K Oxendine
Jamie K. Oxendine, of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina, is the Native American Liaison and Education Consultant for Ohio University in Athens. Ohio. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Toledo teaching “Indians of North America” and at Lourdes University teaching “Native American Culture” for the Lifelong Learning Center. A frequent speaker on Native American topics, he serves as the director of the Black Swamp InterTribal Foundation in Ohio. As a recording artist, he was three times been nominated for a NAMMY (Native American Music Award).
View all posts by Jamie K Oxendine
July 11, 2017 at 6:02 pm
9/13/2017 — West Coast Earthquake — M5.7 (M6.0) West of Los Angeles / California Coast
July 19, 2017 at 4:00 am
Published on May 1, 2017
The Gulf Stream and The Next Ice Age is about the consequences of global warming on The Great Atlantic Conveyor, which has to do with regulating climate and the fear that the melting of ice will stop it, perhaps triggering an ice age.
July 24, 2017 at 12:10 pm
#areyoureadyforthedarkness ” The power grid is failing across the world ”
Besides Fracking Etc.
73 earthquakes hits Switzerland as CERN playing god with the earth ,breaks new particle collision record
July 15, 2017 at 5:28 am
Spraying Over The Camp:(
Buffalohair was there!
July 15, 2017 at 5:29 am
August 5, 2017 at 6:16 am
Was watching a jet Friday morning August 11th,2017….. making dot clouds in the sky by stop and start spraying:(
August 14, 2017 at 5:30 pm
Prepping For an EMP- Things to Consider for your Survival
The facts about EMP and Faraday Cages
A nerve! Not TMD
September 15, 2017 at 7:10 am
10. “Saguaro twist” by Jack Dykinga
The Sonoran Desert can be a harsh, unrelenting environment for any living thing to grow in, but saguaro cacti find a way. With roots reaching deep underground for water, these incredible plants can live up to 200 years, their branches morphing and twisting into patterns as they age. Photo by Jack Dykinga/Wildlife Photographer of the Year.
September 16, 2017 at 9:23 pm
September 21, 2017 at 6:40 am
SNL just came up with a hilarious version of Alexa designed for senior citizens
Saturday Night Live, the show managed to fit in a great sketch on Amazon’s Alexa. The sketch was an advertisement for a (faux) device called Alexa Silver, touted as the only smart speaker built specifically for “the greatest generation.”
The device’s main feature? It’s super loud and responds to any name even remotely close to Alexa.
Alaina, Allegra, Aretha, Alisha, Alfonzo, Aldis, Arashel, Excederin… you get the idea.
Of course, the device also had a bunch of other features designed for senior citizens, the best of which may be an “uh-huh” feature, which just sporadically responds with “uh-huh” as you tell it rambling stories.
It also repeats itself, clarifies itself and can speak up when you can’t hear it. Oh, and the best part? You can only order it with a check or money order.
Honestly, if Amazon actually made Alexa Silver it would probably be a huge hit. I’d totally get one for my grandparents.
Check out the clip above to see the full sketch.
September 27, 2017 at 11:51 pm
Oct. 8th, 2017
September 27, 2017 at 11:56 pm
October 11, 2017 at 7:46 pm
Claire and the Crosbys
Published on Sep 26, 2017
Claire and the Crosbys
Published on Sep 19, 2017
Thank you everyone that came to see us perform last weekend! It was so fun to meet so many fans!! We will upload more songs from the concert soon!
October 13, 2017 at 8:25 pm
The Canvas of Lifetime
Read more about how brothers Adam and Aaron Wolken paint their way into history at Springfield’s Wonders of Wildlife National Museum & Aquarium.
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Breathtakingly Beautiful Japanese Tiny House on Wheels
November 13, 2017 at 8:20 pm
November 13, 2017 at 8:23 pm
November 22, 2017 at 10:20 pm
From: Malcolm L Weaver
Date: Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 6:19 AM
Subject: Carlos, Cataract Treatment Options.
Now I have them too! Sad! Annie
To: carlos
Hi Carlos,
I thought I would give you a synopsis of a Cataract and outline a few treatment options for you.
is the clouding of the lens within the eye that results in blockage of light, thereby impairing the vision. The lens in an elliptical structure located just behind the pupil. This transparent lens works like camera lens focusing light images onto the retina, which further sends images to the brain.
In younger age, the lens is elastic and can capture both distant and nearby images. As the age advances, lens become harder and less flexible due to various biochemical changes in the eye, which results in clumping of alpha proteins, forming opaque or cloudy structures called cataract. Due to loss of transparency of the lens, images formed are not clear.
Cataract is a slow and progressing eye disorder affecting mainly people above the age of 65. Canine cataract is one of the commonest problems affecting the eyes of dogs.
Most of the eye cataracts in humans do not cause any problem other than affecting the vision. It is characterized by slow and painless decrease in vision, blurry vision, glare especially at night, decrease in color intensity, yellowing of images and frequent change in prescription glasses. Different Cataract treatments are recommended depending upon the stage of the Cataract.
Medications and Other measures:
If the Cataract is in early stage of development, your ophthalmologist may prescribe you some visual aids or drugs to slow down the progress of the Cataract.
Even surgery is not a permanent remedy for a cataract because they can return, early Cataracts can be managed with the following measures:
1. Using stronger eye glasses or contact glasses
2. Use of magnifying glass during reading
3. Strong lighting
4. Medications or eye drops-
In some conditions where the development of cataract is small and near the centre of the lens, medicated eye drops containing phenylephrine can be prescribed to the patients. This helps in dilation of pupils of the eye and improves the vision temporarily.
Some of the commonly prescribed eye drops are Mydfrin, AK-Dilate and
Neo-Synephrine. These eye drops can make your eyes more sensitive to
sunlight: Hence it is advisable to use sunglasses whenever you are in the sun.
Aldose reductase inhibitors are prescribed in diabetic people to prevent or delay eye Cataracts.
NAC drops supplied by our company
have been used now for many years, have undergone trials by TV and the press and has proved successful in a very high proportion of cases for both people and pets, without the need for invasive surgery.
Cataract Surgery:
Surgery is an effective solution for getting rid of the cataract.
In cataract surgery, the cloudy natural lens is removed from the eye and is replaced by a permanent intraocular lens implant to restore the normal vision.
When or even whether you should you go for cataract surgery is a subjective decision. You may be able to read, work on computer, watch television or even drive properly for a few years even after being diagnosed for cataract. However, eventually you vision will get blurry, you may start to see ‘ghost’ images and the colors may look faded.
This can’t be corrected with glasses. When it becomes difficult to carry on the daily routine tasks properly due to Cataract, it may be about time when you should get the surgery done. However, a Cataract doesn’t affect your ability to have normal vision even if you go for surgery a bit late. So, you can take a carefully thought out decision and consult your doctor for right advice on the timing.
Cataract surgery is relatively less complicated and can be performed on an outpatient basis and the patient could be relieved the same day as well.
There are mainly 3 surgical techniques for removing eye cataracts:
1. Phacoemulsification: This is the commonest type of cataract surgery that is performed these days which involves a process known as Phacoemulsification.
This surgery is done under operating microscope and can be performed in under 30 mins. The procedure requires minimum sedation, the surgeon makes a minor incision near the cornea and inserts an ultrasound probe in the eye. The ultrasonic vibrations from this ultrasound probe are used to dissolve the lens and its fragmented pieces are sucked out with the help of same probe. After the removal of cataract, an artificial lens is replaced in the thin capsular bag from where the cataract was removed. The procedure doesn’t require any stitches post surgery.
2. Extracapsular Surgery: This technique is employed only when the Cataract is in a very advance stage and the lens is far too dense to be dissolved into fragments by ultrasound. In this procedure, the incision made is larger so that the whole cloudy lens is removed in a single piece. After the removal of cataract, an intraocular lens implant is replaced in the capsular bag. However, this procedure requires a number of sutures to close the wound and it generally takes some time for recovery of vision.
3. Intracapsular surgery: This technique is not very common and has a high rate of complication. It requires even larger incision than the other type of Cataract surgery and the whole lens along with the surrounding capsule is removed. In this case, the intraocular lens is placed in front of iris.
Remember if any type of surgery is a worry for you then the alternative cataract treatments being supplied by:
have shown a very high success rate for many years.
In very mild cases of Cataracts, diet, nutrients, herbs and other alternative therapies can help, for example:
1. Nutritional therapy for Cataract:
Studies have shown that vitamin C can help in preventing as well as treating Cataracts. This important anti-oxidant is effective in treating Cataracts because the lens of the eye contain more vitamin C than anywhere else in the body. Other antioxidants such as quercetin and rutin have synergistic action with vitamin C. Studies have found that Alpha-lipoic acid (anti-oxidant) can prevent or stop Cataract. Vitamin B deficiency is one of the prime causes of photosensitivity, which makes the eyes more sensitive to UV damage and this results in a Cataract.
Daily intake of riboflavin and vitamin B complex reduces this photosensitivity.
2. Dietary measures for Cataracts:
Some foods can affect the healthy blood flow in the eyes and can contribute to the formation of Cataract. These foods include dairy products and refined sugars and carbs. Excessive intake of these foods can destroy vitamin C in the lens.
3. Herbs:
Some of the herbs which work as effective anti-oxidant and maintain healthy blood flow in the eye are Billberry extract, eye wash with triphala tea and drinking green tea. These help in promoting cell rejuvenation and improving eye sight.
4. Lifestyle changes:
Certain healthy tips like avoiding cigarette smoking, using 100 percent UV protection sunglasses and avoiding overuse of microwaves. (as radiation leakage from microwave can cause eye Cataracts).
I hope you have found this write up to have been helpful and full of the kind of information you may have been searching for.
Until next time
Jane A Weaver
Ethos Bright Eyes Products
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December 12, 2017 at 3:11 am
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December 12, 2017 at 3:20 am
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RECAP: Rabbi Shapiro Exposed The Real Reason Netanyahu & Israeli Leaders Claim to Speak for All Jews – Zionists DON’T Speak For Jews
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December 15, 2017 at 11:56 am
December 22, 2017 at 8:02 pm
annlrd: A Fast runner as a child, ran fast like a deer, hence Nick name, Little Running Deer Use me when herding cattle, Ran ahead of cattle to open gates! Uncategorized Leave a comment January 7, 2018 31 MinutesEdit "Redwood Forest Save Forever"
Redwood Forest Save Forever
Planet Stupid, with the rest of you boneheads
Native Journalist/Film Maker/Imagineer
Journalist with a passion for ignored and forgotten causes from around the world. Don’t get your boxers in a knot over stories in foreign languages since I do cater to a global audience…. Crusty, Sardonic, Insane
Video by Buffalohair
Little Running Deer
Born on the North West Coast of the US. I am use to Snow Capped Mountains, beautiful Forests, wild flowers on wild Rivers. The once wild foods, berries of the area and the beloved Salmon.
I could look out across the cold waters of the Pacific Ocean. I could look in land at the Snow Capped Mountains.
I watched the Hawks and Eagles soaring in the clean pure blue skies. Enjoyed the thrill of the first crys of the Geese in Spring and Winter. As thousands of flocks in v formation made their dramatic way North or South each season.
Loving the show of the Northern Lights dancing across the skies.
Hearing the howl of the wolf packs. Hearing them pausing at the tent flap at night, as they listened in on you.
Finding you were being tracked by curious Mountain Lions in the snow when crossing back over the trails and seeing their foot prints behind yours.
Seeing huge bear tracks just filling in with water on the trail and the hair standing up on the back of your neck realizing he/she is right next to you in the brush.
Out West Personal Photos JAGE / LRD
Yosemite National Park, California, USA / Ingo Scholites
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annlrd: A Fast runner as a child, ran fast like a deer, hence Nick name, Little Running Deer Use me when herding cattle, Ran ahead of cattle to open gates! Uncategorized Leave a comment January 7, 2018 4 MinutesEdit "Redwood Forest Save Forever"
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Redwood Forest
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annlrd: A Fast runner as a child, ran fast like a deer, hence Nick name, Little Running Deer Use me when herding cattle, Ran ahead of cattle to open gates! Uncategorized Leave a comment January 7, 2018 10 MinutesEdit "Redwood Forest Save Forever Annlrdwordpress.comPages"
RECAP 09′: Hey Al. What About Uranus?
From An Indigenous Perspective
RECAP 09′: Hey Al, What About Uranus?
January 6, 2018 by Buffalohair in Asia, US News and tagged al gore news, carbon credit scam, climate change news, flashbacks in the news, lies and deception, nwo climate lies, Prophecy, reality check news
This is a piece I wrote back in 2009 that you might find eerily Pertinent & Entertaining. An Oldie But Goodie…Buffalohair
dork gore copyI think I’ve heard just as much as I can stand from Al Gore. I’m sorry but I tried to buy into his agenda but science just keeps getting in the way. Political alchemists filter his events from real opposition casting a shadow of suspicion on the true agenda. But I still think he’s a nice guy, really.
Those pesky ice core samples from Antarctica, at a bazillion dollar a popsicle, tell a different story, a story of cycles. Naturally occurring CO2 and a host of other so called green house gasses have been detected in sedimentary layers between Ice Ages. Contrary to popular belief this was not caused by Uncle Lester’s 1966 Volkswagen Van, it was caused by volcanism and a wide variety of fissures throughout the globe.
The fact Polar Regions throughout the solar system are melting may be another indicator that there is more afoot than green house gasses. But given time alchemists will say it’s a coincidence and point their accusing finger at some poor old trucker or little Bobby Zimmerman’s flatulent hamster. How far beyond stupid are we?
Throughout the region known as “The Ring of Fire” open fissures underwater are pumping trillions of tons of gases of all varieties and toxicities. Volcanologists have noted the marked increase in volcanic activity around the world in recent years. Russia just had a chain of volcanoes, (Kamchatka 6), erupt simultaneously as Kilauea continues to pump toxins into the ozone. Redoubt, in Alaska, has joined the ranks of the living as other sleeping volcanoes continue to spring to life around the world.
Tectonic plates are shifting as the earth groans in anticipation of the inevitable polar shift. Wonder if our magnetosphere ever closed back up. Ah but who pays attention that junk anyway? We should since we pay billions in taxpayer dollars on this research only to have it ignored for political/financial reasons.
There is no question mankind should not have been so destructive to the environment. But that would have disrupted profits and the corporate bottom line. In the corporate wake lay millions of aches of land contaminated beyond all hope yet it’s the little guy who will tot the burden of corporate greed. *Al Gore secured a $529 million loan in U.S. taxpayer’s money for a car manufacturer (Tessla) in Iceland he is in bed with. It has changed the matrix of his “Green” agenda because now it is clear the “green” he is looking for is cash. Carbon Credits are another sham in motion. But it was only a matter of time before the true agenda was exposed since his “science” does not hold water, never has, never will.
Al embraced California’s hyped up California Auto Resources Board (CARB) and Barack Obama expanded this agenda to a national level. It is funny, in a dark way, how much of the free world bought into this scam while Putin and real science said Nyet to this foolishness. China and India will never buy into this sham either. Apparently it did not matter that CARB was using flawed if not bogus data from an imposter who claimed to be a scientist, **Hein T. Tran. And as of this writing; discrepancies and inconstancies continue to be ignored regardless of the ramifications to industry and the nation as a whole. Scientists from around the world have balked at the data as totally inaccurate yet the media as a whole simply ignored it. Here is an excerpt from the ***San Diego Union Tribune who chronicled the fraud of the 21st Century, California’s CARB AB-32 Scoping Plan;
Specific Concerns Regarding October 24, 2008 CARB Staff Report on PM 2.5 [that’s the shorthand term for fine particles 2.5 micrometers in diameter and smaller] and Premature Deaths
1) Authors have no relevant peer reviewed publications and lead author has misrepresented his “Ph.D.”
2) Report and public comments were never shown to outside reviewers as stated in Executive Summary.
3) Five independent sources indicate no current relationship between PM2.5 and deaths in California.
4) California has fourth lowest total age-adjusted death rate among US states and ew “premature deaths.”
5) Diesel toxicity and fine particulate air pollution in California are currently at record low levels.
6) Before approving new diesel regulations, CARB should fully evaluate PM2.5 and deaths in California.
Conclusion: Important epidemiologic and toxicologic evidence does not support adverse health effects of diesel claimed by CARB and new diesel regulations should be postponed until above issues are fully and fairly evaluated.
The renowned scientists, with real degrees and credentials, who reviewed the infamous CARB AB-32 Scoping Plan, are as follows;
** (Compiled by Chris Reed, editorial writer of the Union Tribune)
James E. Enstrom, Ph.D., M.P.H.
He is a 35-year lifestyle epidemiologist with the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Anthony Fucaloro, Ph.D.
He is a 35-year chemist with public policy expertise from Claremont McKenna College Joint Science Department.
Matthew A. Malkan, Ph.D.
He is a 25-year astrophysicist with the UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Robert F. Phalen, Ph.D.
He is a 35-year air pollution toxicologist with UC Irvine Air Pollution Health Effects Laboratory
In the wake of bogus science California’s economy was destroyed. This forced millions of people to loose their jobs and shuttered industries throughout the state. Arnold “The Schlock” Schwarzenegger continued to pander for Mexico’s Baja deep water port while disabling some of the most lucrative ports in the western hemisphere. Arnie waged war on the trucking industry forcing hard working American’s to loose their way of life. Other industries who depended on diesel to make their living also took a direct hit with absolutely no compensation or bail-out.
It is clear that Arnold is involved in the international corporatism movement (Globalization). He is a noted supporter of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). And as we all should know by now, this agreement hinges on the destruction of national sovereignty to all nations that sign on. It’s all about the money and corporatism. And from all indicators globalization is an act of treason by world leaders who purport this axiom.
Now the United States has taken on the “green” cause and is in the process of crippling America’s economy, and with good reason. Whence America has become bankrupt their will be a global solution to “save” the day. Like they say; a drowning man will grasp the hand of the Devil himself even if it was the Devil who tossed him into the drink. Sadly we will have sold our democracy down the river and a New World Order will arise from the ashes of our broken economy.
Disaster Capitalism at its best as the interests of a hand full of international corporations takes over the world. Just remember that about 50 of the top economies of the world are corporations. The real wealth will be distributed to a hand full of corporate thugs who dictate marching orders to the World Trade Organization.
It is a good thing the tyranny these corporate criminals are planning for the New World Order is also destined to fail for that is part of prophecy as well. Just remember that mankind will be faced with totalitarian rule but it will not come to pass. Mother Earth will have the final say for it is written that the meek shall inherit the Earth. It is ironic that no matter what man does at this juncture they are following prophecies of the ancients to the letter. One day soon we will realize what the ancients were warning us about and all the cash in the world will not alter the final outcome.
Bada Bing, Bada Bang, Bada Boom, capice?
Your Devil’s Advocate
Foot Note: Now in 2017 there is even more solid science that proves climate change is cyclic and not caused by Barney’s smoky Ford Pinto. Whether it’s a Mini Ice Age or another 10,000 year run is yet to be determined but one is for sure, Al was totally wrong & people should have been warned about this known weather event.
Dividere la Storia
annlrd: A Fast runner as a child, ran fast like a deer, hence Nick name, Little Running Deer Use me when herding cattle, Ran ahead of cattle to open gates! Buffalohair Productions, From An Indigenous Perspective Buffalohair 1 Comment January 7, 2018 6 MinutesEdit "RECAP 09′: Hey Al. What About Uranus?"
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Born on the North West Coast of the US. I am use to Snow Capped Mountains, beautiful Forests, wild flowers on wild Rivers. The once wild foods, berries of the area and the beloved Salmon.
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Loving the show of the Northern Lights dancing across the skies.
Hearing the howl of the wolf packs. Hearing them pausing at the tent flap at night, as they listened in on you.
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Seeing huge bear tracks just filling in with water on the trail and the hair standing up on the back of your neck realizing he/she is right next to you in the brush.
We Will Miss Our Friend!
RIP Rene Carlos Guevara “Buffalohair” —
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