Dec. 21st: End of Times on Planet Stupid
Dec. 21st: End of Times on Planet Stupid
If only those Euro-Boneheads did not wipe out the Elder Aztecs and destroy millions of codices then they would have known “The rest of the story” as the late Paul Harvey would have said. Yup, we are living in a time of great change and eventually things will be different here on Planet Earth or should I say Planet Stupid. But waiting for December 21st for change to occur is actually pretty dumb since the change has already begun, many years ago. Waiting for the Anti-Christ? Umm, we’ve already lived many centuries of false profiteering and death in the name of G*D and it should be plain as day elitists and secret hand shaking societies have been following the false G*D, for millennia’s I might add.
I faced him already and I call him ‘Mork the Dork’. Others know him by his long hard to pronounce names within their secret little click, oh brother. Just because this pinhead of deception possesses advanced technology does not make him a G*D. But for ancient people who first witnessed his ‘miracles’ he and his chums were G*Ds. If I went back in time with a BIC lighter I wager that I would have been considered a G*D and lodges around the world today would have BIC lighter shrines all over the place. Technology is not sacred, its mechanical and if any of these boneheads had one ounce of brain matter left in their star struck cabeza they would have realized this Mork dude and his spindly chums were not G*Ds at all. In fact these cretins are bottom feeders much like the rest of us in the grand scheme of things. But to even consider any being with fancy and shiny mechanical gizmos were G*Ds is ludicrous to say the least. Spirits I hang with don’t need toys.
December 21st only marks the official end of this era of greed and death for material wealth and ushers in a new era. Like the thieves in the night change has already begun and predictably the greedy are busy grabbing so called assets they actually believe will tide them over but tide them over for what? Material wealth as we know it will eventually be meaningless. But if you boneheads had a belief system and actually had absolute faith within your respective dogma, you would already know the drill and you would already know the spirits who will assist you in the coming times of chaos & tribulation. Unfortunately it was prophesized that the majority of earth’s dim bulb population would be faithless and march to their demise, with bells on. If you don’t ‘get it’ now then you deserve what is coming homie and like they say; when you snooze you loose and humanity, as a whole, has been asleep at the wheel. But at least elitists got to be boss of the world and steal all kinds of stuff from innocent people, just like their mislead ancestors did. Hope it was worth it eh.
One of the dumbest things I had ever heard is this rash of suicides that is taking the world by storm. “Oh my, the end of the world is near. I had better kill myself before I die” How far beyond stupid is that eh?? One thing is for sure, it was the end of the world for that bonehead, oh well, to bad so sad. Sorry for my indifference but I do not have much sympathy for suicide schmucks for the real victims are the people these boneheads kill or leave behind. I’ve cleaned more than my share of bone matter and brains from friends who took their lives. I don’t have an opinion for those who are suffering cancer and physical pain and leave that for the Creator to sort out. My beef is with the weak minded ones who think they are taking a short cut because they fear loosing their stuff or having to face the reality of what they have done to others. If you think whacking yourself is the key to avoiding the consequences of your life’s choices, sorry stupid, you can run but you can’t hide and that is the bottom line, like it or not.
So December 21st is just around the corner and yes, I made preparations. I got my yard clean, chopped more firewood and I stashed a few gallons of cheap Dago Red in the shed. I also got a goose to cook and a load of Asian spices to enhance my culinary experience. Goose to cook? Hmm I made humor. There is nothing like the taste of cooked wild goose though. Same holds true for wild turkey since they don’t taste anything like store bought hormone birds. I might bake another mince meat pie for my elderly parents and swig down some cheap wine with them and if by chance some meteor crashed down on our humble abode, at least we went out smiling. I doubt that will happen but you just never really know for sure. I’ve already seen the other side or at least several levels of existence and I do not fear transitioning to the other side for there is no such thing as death in the grand scheme of things. But if you don’t have a belief system in earnest you will be one lost puppy whence you cross over. Its pretty busy there eh.
Ole Edgar Casey and some other psychic types saw destruction and so did I in one of the many visions I’ve had over the years and I believe they will occur over a period of time. Some already have. But for Dec. 21st to be the end of the world, give me a break. Just remember; the elitists and their sacred chums have it all wrong and you can take that to the bank. Granted they are struggling to alter their destiny metaphysically but that was also prophetically envisioned and the Shiza will eventually hit the fan for these dim bulbs of deception. The funny part is the fact their so-called G*Ds will turn on them as their day of reckoning comes to pass. If you have not already noticed, the elitists have begun tossing their operatives under the bus and more will soon follow. There is little room at the top of this elaborate New World Order pyramid scheme for there is no honor among thieves and those underlings who know the secrets will eventually be discredited or die mysteriously, poetic justice.
For folks with vision & crafts and have their spiritual tool box in order, just hang in there because you are not alone for I know thousands of other people around the world like you who posses medicine of a wide variety. You are here for the future and your destiny is already charted for the betterment of humanity. Just don’t be stupid and think you are a G*D, king/queen of medicine people or other lame ego based ideological ka ka. That is what brought humanity to this juncture in the first place. And no, your religion is not the only true path for the Creator sent messengers throughout the universe so get that nonsense out of your pointed little head. Walk your talk and don’t whore your craft and perform parlor tricks to wow your friends and pick up chicks either.
As for me, on December 21st I’ll probably head to the 7-11 and buy a few GMO laden textured soy protein burritos, grab my FN and go target shooting with Bear the Wonder Dog in the woods. But I’ll have a clean pair of boxers on, just in case. Gads, what if I’m frozen like Otzi and my body is discovered 10,000 years from now? Nothing worse then experiencing Armageddon with color coded underwear on, you know; yellow to the front and brown to the back. I hate that. Maybe I should take the label off my shorts so the people of the future don’t think my name is ‘Hanes’ or worse, ‘Fruit of the Loom’. So you see, I have my concerns about the ‘End of Times’ also.
Your Devil’s Advocate
© 2012, Buffalohair Productions. All rights reserved.
- December 8, 2012 8:39 am
- Author: Buffalohair
- Categories: Paranoral and Bump in the Night, Reflets Sombres
- Tags: armageddon, december 21 2012, dogma, earth changes, end of the world, prophecy news, spirituality, time of change
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