Oh boy and yet another ‘once in a lifetime eclipse’ to write
home about. Hmm, exactly how many once in a lifetime eclipses can
civilization handle in one lifetime? Apparently as many as it takes to
convince a lemming society that the ‘Sky is Falling’ & The Creator
of the Universe is an alien named Ron-Duh. Just remember, eclipses were
used to manipulate the ‘ignorant’ masses since time immemorial, Ask
Merlin ‘The False Flag Magician’… So buyer beware.
As far as prophecy is concerned, it’s moving along like
clock work. The fate of man and his galactic cohorts were already
described in prophetic teachings, etched in stone and the fodder of oral
traditions. TV’s ‘Crazy Hair’ & company spouts blarney about G*D’s
from Space but sadly they are misinterpreting hieroglyphics and a
library of prophetic teachings from around the world for they were
The Creator does not need ‘contraptions’ to whiz around the
universe in, just low rent space guys. And if you think for one second
the true Grand Architect of existence was dumb enough to share
technology with Earth Bound Moronic Nudniks who kill innocent people for
Oil & Gas, Land or Natural Resources, then you deserve what is
coming. Whether you’re a corporate assassin or stockholder, you have
blood on your hands and it is indelible.
If you paid attention to all these interpretations of
prophetic teachings, they share one common denominator, THEY ALL FAILED
BIG TIME. Does not matter who, what, when, where and how they failed but
it is clear they went kaput for their empires lay in ruins. Egypt is a
case in point but the list goes on throughout man’s history of greed.
The contemporary era shares this destiny and the final outcome will be
the same as the others.
Where are the Anunnaki now Crazy Hair?!? They are pushing up
daisies like the rest of the galactic honyockers and their fancy
schmancy empire lay in ruins, like the others. Their advanced secret
technologies did little to save their asses, think about it. We are in
the same boat homeboy/girl, but if you have your spiritual tool box
handy, you’ll do just fine. But for the rest of you that pray to space
debris, forget about it paisan, capice?
As for the eclipse, I’ll get some chores done while the sun
is blocked, snap a few pictures. If the sky fills with little green
aliens named Ron-Duh, I’ll have a good laugh for the joke is on them in
the grand scheme of things.
But one thing is for sure, they ain’t no frigging G*D’s!
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