Friday, April 17, 2020

Singapore considers cruise ships as temporary shelter for foreign workers

What you need to know

  • The numbers: Covid-19 has infected more than 2.1 million people and killed at least 145,000 worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University.
  • US reopening: President Donald Trump has unveiled new guidelines to help states loosen restrictions. He told governors it's their decision on when and how to reopen.
  • China economy shrinks: The world's second largest economy experienced its worst three-month period in decades as the pandemic forced weeks of shutdowns.
  • Wuhan death toll revised: The city at ground zero for the pandemic has added nearly 1,300 new deaths. China has recently faced increased US scrutiny to be transparent in its reporting on the virus. 
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21 min ago

Singapore considers cruise ships as temporary shelter for foreign workers

The SuperStar Gemini cruise ship is docked in Singapore on April 17, as authorities considered whether to use two ships as temporary accommodation for foreign workers during the coronavirus outbreak.
The SuperStar Gemini cruise ship is docked in Singapore on April 17, as authorities considered whether to use two ships as temporary accommodation for foreign workers during the coronavirus outbreak. Roslan Rahman/AFP/Getty Images
Singapore is considering using cruise ships to house foreign workers who have recovered and tested negative for the novel coronavirus, according to a statement released by the Ministry of Tourism.
"Cruise ships are being considered as they have readily available rooms and en-suite toilets," according to the statement released on Friday. The Ministry of Tourism added the possibility of moving foreign workers onto cruise ships "is to further manage Covid-19 transmission and to allow health measures to be implemented more effectively in existing dormitories."
Men stand on the balcony of a dormitory used to house migrant workers in Singapore on April 17.

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