Friday, May 22, 2020

RE: Strange Events are Happening Worldwide!


When you change the way you feel about money, the amount of money in your life will change. The better you feel about money, the more money you magnetize to your self.
I AM THANKFUL MY SCIENCE HUSBAND MARRIED Me. For the money he shared with my son and I. I will always be grateful! Thank you my husband and father of my children !
The children are still learning as adults, how to love the good of money so it sticks to them!
I hope one day they will read
“Secret the Power” by Rhonda Byrne:)
Love, Mom

RECAP: The Paranormal Side of Earth Changes…..

RECAP: Metaphysical Survival Guide For The End Of Times.

RECAP: Metaphysical Survival Guide For The End Of Times.

obama nitratesYeah, yeah, yeah talking about spirits seems sort of lame in this so called modern error, I mean era. Fact being, all dogmas address the supernatural and our direct connection with the spirit world. It’s not a secret homeboy. The spirit world is just next door and there are spirits who are here specifically to rain on your parade. Take it for what its worth but it was said in visions we all chose to walk this world with all the obstacles we face long before we were born unto Earth.
The obstacles placed before us were challenges we, as spirits, needed to overcome before we could continue our journey. Our time on Earth was only one of many stops we were to make on our magnificent journey of great knowledge. There, I said it and soon people will be burning my effigy in Time Square for being a heretic. Continue reading

Where the Treasure map first appeared.

Where the Treasure map first appeared

Where the Treasure map first appeared

After Lunch let’s go hunt treasure. Start of Treasure Hunt,

Sun Sep 16, 2007 7:28 pm Post subject: It all started when a map was….found


Script Writing Thread (Add Only Seven Words) 😉

This is something we do over at ‘Native Storytelling at the Movies’A sample without members names.

Five famous Cartoon guys lost in Arizona

Note: to self, Ducks can’t read maps…

Oh no! Lost ducks and no water!

( we throw in some pictures of Arizona:)

going around in circles is no way

Did anyone remember to bring the ropes?

Ropes.????????????? July 05, 2007 8:23 PM

ROPES ? …I thought you said …soaps!

Well, at least we’ll be clean, right?

July 05, 2007 8:49 PM ( hey 7 words;)


First we need to find that water!

But need to watch out for leeches!

I am setting up camp Good Night!

Then….I saw a green light glowing….

And there were Little Green Men too.


No, not those little green men eh?

Maybe it was those mushrooms we ate?

I don’t think those were mushrooms…..

I’m afraid of what they were then.


Is that a doorway in that rock?

Does that rock look like a frog?

Or maybe that door is a window.

A dried up waterless old Giant frog!

Maybe we better move on from here?

(and it Continues)

Taken from Native Storytelling at the Movies –

Okay ! Have fun Everyone;)

Saving The World One Family At A Time. Billions in Change

 WHAT IS 5 Hour Energy Drink doing with  99% of it’s profits? He was taught as a child growing up, if you do well as an adult, it is your duty to help others who have less.

Billions in Change
Published on Sep 29, 2017

New film, New Ideas New Inventions. Billions in Change 2 shows how simple life-changing inventions provide clean water, electricity, and improve the lives of farmers. See how these inventions will enable the unlucky half of the world to improve their lives.
For more information go to

Joys of Radiation: My Radioactive Renaissance. A Mutants Tale

Joys of Radiation: My Radioactive Renaissance. A Mutants Tale

After all the hype about the shower of radioactive death that would rain in my region of the planet I had some concerns. I was well aware that I was already exposed to plenty of radiation in my earlier years. Other than a few anomalous growths and an overwhelming desire to drink human blood I weathered my contamination quite well actually. I am comfortable in knowing that I am forever genetically altered and that my DNA double helix more resembles a wad of used chewing gum on chop sticks. Since I could not possibly escape the radioactive plume I decided to make the most of it. Continue reading

OK so our environment will have more ambient radiation than before and more cancers will evolve that coincidentally resembles radiation sickness. But for all the concerns for the ill effects of radiation exposure I really want to know if I can micro-wave a pizza outside during a nuclear event. A coronal mass ejection would be ideal with all them big juicy gamma and x-rays flying all around. And if the magnetosphere is absent on that day it’s the CME Cha Cha, beam me up Scotty. But I guess it does not matter where I am when one of them puppies explodes. So I was just thinking; I’m going to be all contaminated anyway so why not have a super power

Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity they say. Well, here I am glowing in the dark from another nuclear catastrophe and it’s about time I cash in on my radioactivness. Maybe I could get x-ray vision from my exposure, which would be cool. Hopefully I could shut it off from time to time so I don’t view everyone in the buff. I could get a job with TSA and work at the airport checking everyone out naked. The down side to x-ray vision would be the fact boobs would loose their magical appeal. After a while butts would simply look like just another stinky ass trying to find the right concourse. Hmm, forget about it. I already think the world is run by a bunch of buttheads anyway. That’s all I would need is a visual.

I could fly around like superman or something. I would not need a car or insurance and the cost of fuel, oy vey. I could zip on down to Wal-Mart or Zellers without having to find a place to part. But what would I do with all the junk I bought at the store? Maybe I could get the cashier to double bag my stuff so I don’t lose anything on the way home. That’s all I need is to whack someone on the head with a bag of dog food that dropped out of the sky. Gads, I’ve already made my attorneys rich from my anger management issues. That’s all I need are law suites for broken windows, dented cars and a few headaches from airborne groceries.

And how would I go out on a date? Would the chick need a helmet and would I have to strap her to me like a seatbelt? What if she drops a high heel and impales someone on the ground like a lawn dart? If she had a skirt on that could cause complications. Her bum would be hanging out there for the whole world to gawk at eh. Naw, think I’ll pass on that one to. Besides, the landing part would probably not be so cool. I’d crash and burn every time I landed. I’d have groceries everywhere in the pasture. Ginger the Wonder Horse and the crew would have a field day, forget about it.

Being invisible would suck for the most part, nothing like being ignored. But my biggest fear would be to materialize in front of someone only to discover that I am buck naked. I doubt my cloths would disappear since I would be the one that is radioactive but I guess I could contaminate them. I probably could contaminate everything I touched for that matter. Only problem is contamination is not invisibility. Hmm, would that be a super power? I could be Radioactive Man, a contemporary hero of the radiologically contaminated age. I could go to parties with my super powers and microwave popcorn under my armpits and warm pizza slices with my buttocks. That would get the ladies. Gads, would I be forced to wear spandex? And well, me and the boys don’t like restrictions, if you get my drift. Since we’re on the subject of genitalia and super powers ….aw skip it.

So here I am enjoying my radioactive weekend. Guess I might as well get some chicken wings and dipping stuff. I’ll also need some corn and potato chips, most likely GMO. I make my own bean dip and killer guacamole. Hmm, that reminds me, I better make my salsa to. And I think I’ll do a scientific experiment as well. I’ll pull out a few moose steaks and place them on a rack outside and see if the ambient radiation cooks the meat. Just in case, I’ll have the grill at the ready. I also have some elk but since its radiation weekend I’m going for the gusto. What better way to ingest my share of alpha and beta particles then to imbibe in a thick juicy moose steak smothered in onions and garlic with a hint of fresh sage, pepper and sea salt?

I like squirrel and other rodents prepared that way as well. They say fennel is best for long pork. I personally thought fresh spearmint worked well with all the flavors, especially in the sauce and rue. It’s sort of minty with a meat bravado that is reminiscent to lamb….Hello Clarice. In any event radiation and all its joys are here to stay. The Fukushima nuclear festival was simply a transuranic memo identifying the frailties and haplessness of man and his technologies. Many nuclear disasters preceded Fuku and unfortunately more will follow during the era we live, there is no question.

As I view the picturesque Rocky Mountains, a breeze with spring’s musings and Nippon’s Nuclear Noir embrace their liberty while dancing throughout my home in radiological flare. Actually I’ve come to the realization that I am a mutant because my DNA is surely altered by now. We are all mutants for that matter so it’s already a done deal for this generation. So what is everyone squawking about? Some of us will rot quicker than others, big deal. We do that already; we’ll just have more to rot about. Only real difference is our rate of decomposition from the varying degrees of exposure we’ve been receiving.

On the bright side, what a business opportunity radiation has to offer a guy with the right angle for a quick buck. I can see it now, me and my traveling medical show selling tinctures of lead and iodine based remedies for radiation sickness. From creams, lotions, teas and even suppositories I could have a radiological roach coach and sell potassium iodine smoothies on the side. I’ll move to Austin, Texas the roach coach capital of the world. Austin really rocks……………

Your Devil’s Advocate


RECAP 09′: Hey Al, What About Uranus?

RECAP 09′: Hey Al, What About Uranus?

This is a piece I wrote back in 2009 that you might find eerily Pertinent & Entertaining. An Oldie But Goodie…Buffalohair

dork gore copyI think I’ve heard just as much as I can stand from Al Gore. I’m sorry but I tried to buy into his agenda but science just keeps getting in the way. Political alchemists filter his events from real opposition casting a shadow of suspicion on the true agenda. But I still think he’s a nice guy, really.

Those pesky ice core samples from Antarctica, at a bazillion dollar a popsicle, tell a different story, a story of cycles. Naturally occurring CO2 and a host of other so called green house gasses have been detected in sedimentary layers between Ice Ages. Contrary to popular belief this was not caused by Uncle Lester’s 1966 Volkswagen Van, it was caused by volcanism and a wide variety of fissures throughout the globe.

The fact Polar Regions throughout the solar system are melting may be another indicator that there is more afoot than green house gasses. But given time alchemists will say it’s a coincidence and point their accusing finger at some poor old trucker or little Bobby Zimmerman’s flatulent hamster. How far beyond stupid are we?

Throughout the region known as “The Ring of Fire” open fissures underwater are pumping trillions of tons of gases of all varieties and toxicities. Volcanologists have noted the marked increase in volcanic activity around the world in recent years. Russia just had a chain of volcanoes, (Kamchatka 6), erupt simultaneously as Kilauea continues to pump toxins into the ozone. Redoubt, in Alaska, has joined the ranks of the living as other sleeping volcanoes continue to spring to life around the world.

Tectonic plates are shifting as the earth groans in anticipation of the inevitable polar shift. Wonder if our magnetosphere ever closed back up. Ah but who pays attention that junk anyway? We should since we pay billions in taxpayer dollars on this research only to have it ignored for political/financial reasons.

There is no question mankind should not have been so destructive to the environment. But that would have disrupted profits and the corporate bottom line. In the corporate wake lay millions of aches of land contaminated beyond all hope yet it’s the little guy who will tot the burden of corporate greed. *Al Gore secured a $529 million loan in U.S. taxpayer’s money for a car manufacturer (Tessla) in Iceland he is in bed with. It has changed the matrix of his “Green” agenda because now it is clear the “green” he is looking for is cash. Carbon Credits are another sham in motion. But it was only a matter of time before the true agenda was exposed since his “science” does not hold water, never has, never will.

Al embraced California’s hyped up California Auto Resources Board (CARB) and Barack Obama expanded this agenda to a national level. It is funny, in a dark way, how much of the free world bought into this scam while Putin and real science said Nyet to this foolishness. China and India will never buy into this sham either. Apparently it did not matter that CARB was using flawed if not bogus data from an imposter who claimed to be a scientist, **Hein T. Tran. And as of this writing; discrepancies and inconstancies continue to be ignored regardless of the ramifications to industry and the nation as a whole. Scientists from around the world have balked at the data as totally inaccurate yet the media as a whole simply ignored it. Here is an excerpt from the ***San Diego Union Tribune who chronicled the fraud of the 21st Century, California’s CARB AB-32 Scoping Plan;

Specific Concerns Regarding October 24, 2008 CARB Staff Report on PM 2.5 [that’s the shorthand term for fine particles 2.5 micrometers in diameter and smaller] and Premature Deaths

1) Authors have no relevant peer reviewed publications and lead author has misrepresented his “Ph.D.”

2) Report and public comments were never shown to outside reviewers as stated in Executive Summary.

3) Five independent sources indicate no current relationship between PM2.5 and deaths in California.

4) California has fourth lowest total age-adjusted death rate among US states and ew “premature deaths.”

5) Diesel toxicity and fine particulate air pollution in California are currently at record low levels.

6) Before approving new diesel regulations, CARB should fully evaluate PM2.5 and deaths in California.

Conclusion: Important epidemiologic and toxicologic evidence does not support adverse health effects of diesel claimed by CARB and new diesel regulations should be postponed until above issues are fully and fairly evaluated.

The renowned scientists, with real degrees and credentials, who reviewed the infamous CARB AB-32 Scoping Plan, are as follows;

** (Compiled by Chris Reed, editorial writer of the Union Tribune)

James E. Enstrom, Ph.D., M.P.H.

He is a 35-year lifestyle epidemiologist with the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Anthony Fucaloro, Ph.D.

He is a 35-year chemist with public policy expertise from Claremont McKenna College Joint Science Department.

Matthew A. Malkan, Ph.D.

He is a 25-year astrophysicist with the UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Robert F. Phalen, Ph.D.

He is a 35-year air pollution toxicologist with UC Irvine Air Pollution Health Effects Laboratory

In the wake of bogus science California’s economy was destroyed. This forced millions of people to loose their jobs and shuttered industries throughout the state. Arnold “The Schlock” Schwarzenegger continued to pander for Mexico’s Baja deep water port while disabling some of the most lucrative ports in the western hemisphere. Arnie waged war on the trucking industry forcing hard working American’s to loose their way of life. Other industries who depended on diesel to make their living also took a direct hit with absolutely no compensation or bail-out.

It is clear that Arnold is involved in the international corporatism movement (Globalization). He is a noted supporter of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). And as we all should know by now, this agreement hinges on the destruction of national sovereignty to all nations that sign on. It’s all about the money and corporatism. And from all indicators globalization is an act of treason by world leaders who purport this axiom.

Now the United States has taken on the “green” cause and is in the process of crippling America’s economy, and with good reason. Whence America has become bankrupt their will be a global solution to “save” the day. Like they say; a drowning man will grasp the hand of the Devil himself even if it was the Devil who tossed him into the drink. Sadly we will have sold our democracy down the river and a New World Order will arise from the ashes of our broken economy.

Disaster Capitalism at its best as the interests of a hand full of international corporations takes over the world. Just remember that about 50 of the top economies of the world are corporations. The real wealth will be distributed to a hand full of corporate thugs who dictate marching orders to the World Trade Organization.

It is a good thing the tyranny these corporate criminals are planning for the New World Order is also destined to fail for that is part of prophecy as well. Just remember that mankind will be faced with totalitarian rule but it will not come to pass. Mother Earth will have the final say for it is written that the meek shall inherit the Earth. It is ironic that no matter what man does at this juncture they are following prophecies of the ancients to the letter. One day soon we will realize what the ancients were warning us about and all the cash in the world will not alter the final outcome.

Bada Bing, Bada Bang, Bada Boom, capice?

Your Devil’s Advocate


Foot Note: Now in 2017 there is even more solid science that proves climate change is cyclic and not caused by Barney’s smoky Ford Pinto. Whether it’s a Mini Ice Age or another 10,000 year run is yet to be determined but one is for sure, Al was totally wrong & people should have been warned about this known weather event.

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