Sunday, May 10, 2020

RIP Rene Carlos Guevara “Buffalohair

Buffalohair @Buffalohair · 23h RIP Rene Carlos Guevara “Buffalohair” Rene Carlos Guevara was born on August 2, 1953 in California. Throughout his life, he went on many advetures and traveled the world. Sadly, his life ended on Feburary 27th due to cancer related ill…

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Buffalohair: Don't Be Eclipsed by Nudniks From Space ... › 2017/08/21 › buffalohair-dont-b...
August 21, 2017 by Buffalohair in Asia, space news, US News and tagged eclipse news, lies ... ... A Published on Jul 8, 2017 Facebook Page:

Redwood Forest Save Forever ... › 2018/01/07 › re...
Jan 7, 2018 - ...

Page 2 – Redwood Forest Save forever! ... › page
Sep 18, 2008 - ...
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Hi! Can we use someone elses intro about ourselves:)
Or is that a bit cheesy? lol
I guess it depends how thick they lay it on? But I feel better when it comes from someone else for some reason.

Intro from Carole, / Thanks, Carole!
Ann Little Running Deer and Carlos Guevara/Buffalohair.
The Latest Forum News, Vues, and Schmooze… August 26th, 2007 by Carole Levine
Please join me in welcoming two new members to our illustrious NativeVue team, Ann Little Running Deer and Carlos Guevara/Buffalohair. Both are deeply knowledgeable about Native arts and culture and are passionate, articulate advocates of the best Native America has to offer. Ann is dedicating her talents to keeping our NativeVue Forum updated with the latest in performing art and pop culture discussion. Likewise, Carlos will continue to contribute to the Forum as well as being our newest blogger, whose dedicated page will be up and running within weeks.
Site Admin
Joined: 17 Jul 2006
Posts: 196
Location: Michigan

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:55 am Post

BUFFALOHAIR Krusty Native Journalist Filmmaker, Director, and Writer in Hammon, Oklahoma I'm an Indigenous Journalist/Documentary Film Maker and Entertainment 'Whatever Pays', On Stage/back Stage. Former Stage Actor and Stuntman. But admittedly I am a Kick Ass Personal Bodyguard & protected prominent politicians, entertainers and others. Been there, done that.....Goon 101 Absolutely politically incorrect since I choose truth over convenient lies or political correctness for a lie is a lie. We Live in a world of Forked Tongues already. Why bath in the filth of others by emulating their stupidity or think inside their stinking box, screw that. If you read my stories 10 or 20 years ago then you already know much of what I said back then came to pass. If not, there are plenty of other people who had visions that 'see' what is really happening, so get up to speed with someone you trust. Currently I am moving news stories for voiceless & ignored people from around the world who have the presence of mind to contact me. I have a global network of fans and supporters who move my stories, videos, news briefs everywhere on planet stupid. My 'Int. Grass Roots Network' Producing short films & investigative journalism on the side. I volunteer my services and equipment to noble causes and humanitarian interests. I stand with the ignored, abused & forgotten. My Radio Shows tormented Dictators, right Gen. Than Shwe? My sites have been bombed by corporations, countries and a host of dictatorships. Sites band in some nations, people, arrested for having my podcasts on their laptops. I piss off everyone who walks with evil, spreads lies and death. What are you doing? Screw cash, I've turned down more jobs in the last 5 years than ever before within my career. I could give a flying crappola about money. If you want me to write, film or promote for you, you had better be on Humanities Mailing List or don't waist my time. I'd rather track Moose than pander for cash. Do I have a chip on my shoulder, Hell yeah. look at what you morons did to Mother Earth, let alone the concepts of humanity, morality and honesty. Guess it was not profitable enough. But really, are you guys that stupid to let others to lie in your face? You like the feel of warm spittle? I don't have a side because they are both bogus as the day is long. Left Wing or Right Wing, get me off this flight of imbeciles, oy vey! I rather be free, soar with eagles & gourd dance. Tistsistas I'm Humanity's No Bullshit Angel, Capice? Work Buffalohair Productions

Welcome To Buffalohair’s Story Time, Oldies but Goodies
 On 11/6/2019 9:08 AM, Carlos wrote:
Just so you have internet eh...

As for me, I'm struggling with this cancer thing, quit the transplant program and dealing with a hernia I did not have before my colon surgery thingy.
Now I am wearing a girdle to help push?? the hernia back so it can heal correctly.
Gads, I'm a buzzard now!!

At least now It does not really matter about the death threats since I'm already rotting away.
So I will continue raising hell until I kick the crap out of the bucket.

We did manage to succeed in our quest to shed light on reality.
Now I think we should pour salt in their


On Wed, Nov 6, 2019 at 2:35 AM Ann <> wrote:

So Sorry Carlos:( !!!!

Now it is my turn?

Here are todays pics... Gawd, I've turned buzzardly. At least the garden is still here after all the wild weather Ziggy AAA Yard 6-20-18 4 buzzard.jpg AAA Yard 6-20-18 3.jpg AAA Yard 6-20-18 2.jpg AAA Yard 6-20-18 1.jpg


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