Friday, September 18, 2020

Buffalohair colon cancer RIP and his Bear RIP Ate poison soil in garden :(

Symptoms of colon cancer Any major change in bowel habits. Blood in the stool that is either bright red, black or tarry. Unintentional weight loss. Stools that are narrower than usual. Diarrhea, constipation, or feeling that the bowel does not empty completely. can not remove colon to remove cancer a shame and so sad . More items... • Dec 30, 2019


  1. You never knew, I was 13 years older then you:) Yikes lol

  2. Yep, my birthday is Oct. 2nd. Ouch, amazing. You should have seen my sons face when I said, after his "Did you ever think you would live this long or reach this age?" And I said, "Thought I might reach 100 years!" LOL

  3. He also said the other day? "I notice you like younger men!"
    LOL Heck, "Older men like young girls And I am not one of them!"

