Rampant Corporate Theft; An Accepted Business Model

What is more appalling is the fact corporations make a concerted effort to design ads, forms and billings with deceptive, misleading & microscopic blarney. Easily targeting a wealth of people across the board including immigrants, elderly and other unsuspecting people who actually dared to trust the corporate. On the bright side this gleans billions, possibly trillions in ill gotten gains to stock holders, CEO’s & Politician’s that capitalized in earnest on the publics blind trust.
Look at your phone bill and watch as your rates fluctuate 20 or 30 bucks a month. Try to get customer service from either the phone company or the ‘mystery biller’ and you will be dizzy from your ride in limbo as you are shuffled from one line to the next, only to be hung up on, then to start all over again. “Umm, yes, I was just talking to another operator about a charge on my bill when ……..” or “It’s Direct TV’s fault or AT&T’s fault, but no one really knows who gets the cash, in reality.
Phone companies seem to have a license to steal at their leisure since they have many confusing billing options that simply leave the consumer lost in a maze of key codes. When you discover you was duped by an unscrupulous agent who promptly signed you up for unlimited service in Uzbekistan & Siberia, you will also discover you was being charged since 2000. Try to get your money back. Once any corporation has their clutches on your loot they will fight to keep it, right or wrong.
“Oh sorry sir, we can only reimburse you for up to 6 months and you must provide proof of your bills”. Owe them .03 cents and they remember your great grandmothers place of birth. They owe you, forget about it. Unfortunately members of both houses across every political line is steeped in investments and satisfying their personal financial needs. It’s just that simple, no dark conspiracy other than, ‘conspiring to utilize the general publics stupidity by committing crimes in their dim bulb faces’.
Get hustled into a bogus 2 year contract and see how long before you can get resolution or someone who can actually help you. People called an elderly lady and loaded her up on plumbing insurance and assisted her in aquiring a ‘New’ long distance carrier at 5 times what she was paying. How special. Another individual was coerced into accepting some exclusive ‘savings filled’ package only to discover he agreed to pay a much higher interest rate with some ridiculous platinum card.
Mystery magazine subscriptions and all that bogus ‘Junk Mail’ corporations are filling our airplanes with for almost nothing, bankrupted the U.S. Postal Service. Most of these trucks and planes are loaded with tons of free pointless commercial junk mail at a totally loss. Why is the public picking up the tab for all the trash corporations are filling our mail system? Why have our trusted politicians thrown the tax payer under the bus? Or do you really think they are providing shade?
Politicians who’ve decreed laws and DE-regulations that protect corporate filth, committed crimes against the Constitution of America, in your face. These laws are not legal and are blatant acts of treason against the people of this nation. Small wonder politicians want to disarm the public, citizens might wake up and if they’re armed, elitist politicians would be arrested and actually face trial. Surely ‘Affluenza’ would be a crime not a condition, this time…
Why have a cell phone since the government allowed for telemarketers to hog YOUR air time while trying to sell their junk through YOUR phone. Funny how the Bushes, Obama’s, Trump’s and Clinton’s were silent for that one, along with members of both houses, stupid. You let them screw, blue and tattoo your dumb asses while you cried ‘conspiracy nut’ at anything politically incorrect. So it should be of no surprise that corporations have free reign, to do as they wish, with your blessings.
Wear it and bare it for corporations, part and parcel get a free ride on the tax payers dollar at every end of their operation. From drastically discounted ‘junk mail’ to tax payer finance drug and disease research for big pharma while also having Monsanto stooges at the helm of the FDA. Exactly how ‘in your face’ does ‘collusion’ need to be before it is obvious politicians and corporations are violating the most basic of laws, not some crappola filled explanation vomited from corporate attorneys.
Corporations are using the ‘system’ to silence the voices of consumers while making millions in unwanted or solicited contracts, services, cell-phones, higher interest credit cards, long distance services and other monthly fees you had nothing to do with. One senior citizen was being charged for a long distance service, including porn but she had no phone or computer. No matter what you do, there is an excuse that allows major corporations to take your cash for no other reason than they can.
So why is it OK for insurance companies to raise our premiums simply for being late? Because they can, followed up by legalease nonsense thanks to INVESTED friends in The Senate & Congress, simple. Any slightest advantage or break the consumer once enjoyed in this nation has been factored out of everything we buy. All tie breakers, windfalls, breaks on the side of the corporate, period. The days of the ‘bakers dozen’ are gone, replaced by pettiness and greed.
This is the new world order of the global elite, where corporations dictate your life through your charge card. Where bankers are Market Jihadists and Financial False Flag Bombers. The race card does not even factor into the ‘real game,’ if you paid any attention. In fact, the race card is only used to distract the general public from the real ‘crime sprees’ our politicians are involved in. None dare call it conspiracy but it’s actually economic terrorism.
The ancestors of todays vermin elite prided themselves on the axiom of “Never Give A Sucker An Even Break”. Today the corporate vomit is, “The New World Order”, where corporations rule vicariously through the pockets of world leaders like David, Vlad, Barry & Angie. Then there are the other low rent corporate poodles, Dilma Rousseff, Nerendra (Feku) Modi, Najib Razak, & Jacob Zuma, and the list goes on. But they all share one endearing quality, they are coin operated. “Ka-Ching!”
With world leaders & politicians owned by corporations, small wonder telephone companies, credit card firms and a host of other major corporations frolic in a world of thievery, sharking and chicanery, because they can. Members of the Republican & Democratic parties in both houses safeguarded corporate corruption on all levels simply to secure their own personal investments. The corporate media covered up the greatest crime in human history because they are owned by the perpetrators.
Just remember what Martin Luther King Jr. once said: “We can never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in German was ‘legal’ and everything the Hungarian Freedom Fighters did in Hungary was ‘illegal’.” Now it is legal for cell phone companies to trap you into contracts through deceptive advertising, shaky contracts and bold faced lies. Right or wrong, you will pay a fee or penalty for something that was either a mistake or a total lie.
Use up all your phone minutes answering telemarketing calls but find some solace in knowing this is perfectly legal. ‘Junk Mail’ bankrupted the United States Postal Service so it is not hard to fathom cell phone frequencies will soon be parallelized by ‘junk telemarketing’ traffic. But it’s perfectly legal and profitable for shareholders. Advertisement on the consumers dime. So now you have a subscription to every magazine in print, long distance to Uranus on a cell phone you never owned, good luck…
Your Devil’s Advocate